Mystical Musings
A Reiki Master and a Veteran Witch gather together each week to discuss alternative spiritual topics and share tools, tips, ancient wisdom, healing song, messages from Spirit guides and more. From the Energetically Experienced to the Spiritually Curious, there’s something for everyone. Come as you are to this sacred space. You are welcome and honored here.
Connect with your Hosts!
Tava Baird: tavabaird.com or https://darkflowerbooks.etsy.com.
Jennifer Taylor: Willow Ridge Reiki and Healing Arts https://www.willowridgereiki.com/
Mystical Musings
Episode 11: Samhain and Walkers Between the Worlds
This week's episode starts with greetings and discussions about the celebration of Samhain, tracing its roots, and its significance in witchcraft traditions. The conversation transitions to spiritual topics, including the veil between worlds and the nature of divine beings like angels and spirit guides. The hosts discuss their personal experiences with spirits and divine beings, emphasizing the differences in how these entities interact with humans. A poem 'On Waking' by Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer is shared, and the session concludes with a channeling experience involving Samael and Archangel Michael, detailing physical sensations and the differences in overlapping energies from divine beings versus unhealed spirits. The episode closes with a blessing sung by one of the hosts through the influence of Archangel Michael.
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Connect with your Hosts!
Tava Baird: tavabaird.com or https://darkflowerbooks.etsy.com.
Jennifer Taylor: Willow Ridge Reiki and Healing Arts https://www.willowridgereiki.com/
Jennifer Taylor: [00:00:00] Hello, Jen! Happy Samhain! Yes, happy Samhain to you!
Tava Baird: It's, just a couple of days before,
Jennifer Taylor: uh,
Tava Baird: big, big day. there are some witches I know who celebrate it on the closest full moon, in which case we've already passed that. I like to celebrate it from the full moon all the way to
Tava Baird: October 31st. So it's a couple of weeks wonderful fall festivities. Maybe I'm just party hungry. I don't know. we are going to talk a little bit about Samhain today and about the veil between the worlds. But first, we want to set the mood for our lovely listeners.
Tava Baird: would you mind singing for us again today? Absolutely. Absolutely.
Jennifer Taylor: [00:01:00] [00:02:00]
Jennifer Taylor: Guess who's back? Yay. Thank you. Welcome, Samuel.
Tava Baird: I actually have two things, the first is, what Samael just said. The second is a poem that a dear friend of mine sent me last week. And as soon as I heard it, I thought, you want
Tava Baird: That on the podcast and share it with everyone. I'm going to do what Samael said first, because it's very brief. And then if it's all right with you, Jen, I'll share this poem. Oh, of course. Because you're singing brought through Samael, but it also reminded me that I had this poem waiting in the wings.
Tava Baird: Samael's words that were awakened by your singing, are, Take the time, friends, to watch the leaves fall. In this time of striving and [00:03:00] conflict, let your soul be rocked as the breeze rocks the leaf that has let go of its branch. Home to Earth. Join us here. and be soothed. And then the poem I have is called On Waking, and it is by a poet named Rosemary Watola Traumer.
Tava Baird: I have never heard her name pronounced, so I hope I am doing it correctly. But, uh, the poem, again, is called On Waking. In that vast land that exists between dream and waking, there is no I, and no other than I. There are no borders, No citizens, no factions, no right side, no wrong side, a realm of pure openness where I am not aligned with any feelings or beliefs, where I am wholly breath [00:04:00] and being.
Tava Baird: How would it be to bring such openness into the day? Fly across the lines of I and not I, the way a bird flies between countries, cross state lines. Cross fence lines to know the self as seamless, undivided, even as it pours the coffee. Even as it drives past the signs in the yard, even as it watches the news.
Jennifer Taylor: That is beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing that. I love it.
Tava Baird: It seems very timely to have that little bit of remembering. Samuel often talks about we straddle worlds. that we like to organize ourselves and everything around us into this is good, this is bad, this is me, this is not for me, and with that, when we can, [00:05:00] really join with everything around us and have an open heart.
Tava Baird: We find that those borders fall away, walls start to crumble. And, and then the challenge is, of course, to keep that openness as you open up your newsfeed and you get into the carpool line and you sit in traffic and you make your lunch. Um, and I know that Jen and I both hope that we helped to bring a little bit of that into your days as you listen.
Jennifer Taylor: Absolutely. And one thing that I, I think it reminded me, it really tied into our last week's episode is stillness. And for me, what she was describing that space of stillness and the energy of stillness, that's what that is for me, that in between outside of all of those,[00:06:00] lines and those borders.
Jennifer Taylor: And so I thought that was really timely thing to bring in as well.
Tava Baird: And since we're talking about the in between spaces, the liminal spaces, we are approaching just two days from now, Samhain, um, I wanted to talk a little bit about Samhain for people who might not be familiar with it and also, what I was taught in my particular tradition.
Tava Baird: So there are, in witchcraft, there are, big holidays. They're called the Sabbaths. And the year is divided into equal pieces. So you have equinoxes and solstices. and those mark four of the holidays. And then you have basically the halfway point between those equinoxes and solstices, and that's the other four holidays.
Tava Baird: So all [00:07:00] of the witchy are very much tied to the waxing and waning of The sun's strength and then of course, we also really dig a good full moon. whereas most of us think of the new year as starting on January 1st for which is Samhain is the new year. So. In my brain, I'm doing my New Year's resolutions right now.
Tava Baird: It is a time as the leaves are changing and the earth harvest is coming in and the earth is giving up its green for us to think about the things that we want to give up or sit down or let go of. We all have. Way too many things to carry in these days. And so this is a time of stopping and thinking, what do I really want for myself and for those that I [00:08:00] love in the next year, what can I set down and leave behind, make myself lighter.
Tava Baird: And that's what this time is for. Uh, Samhain is the Irish pronunciation. These are old, you know, Celtic holidays. Uh, you might hear some people say Samhain because they think they, it needs to sound like. Halloween. here in the West, if you've only ever seen it written and you've never heard it pronounced, you hear people go, it'd be Samhain, right?
Tava Baird: you're going to look at that word, like so many words that, you know, we're garlic words, uh, The letters do not necessarily represent what we think they represent, so you're going to say Samhain.
Tava Baird: And the way that I was taught about Samhain is that the actual day of Samhain does not belong to either year. And it [00:09:00] starts at sundown. The old Celtic holidays start at sundown and run till sundown of the next day. So you are actually starting your festivities the night before you think you are, right?
Tava Baird: And then you have that night in there. to spend some time in, the sacred darkness when we spend most of our lives as humans in sacred light. So the, story that I was told and that came up in my tradition, it was like this once upon a time, not a long time ago.
Tava Baird: All of the worlds were one. There was the land of the fae, and there was the land of the dead, and there was the land of humans, and there were all of these different planes of existence, and that they were all joint, and that all of the creatures were in tune with nature. But then, [00:10:00] as, People started to build walls between themselves
Tava Baird: All of these different creatures started to move away from nature and become sated on themselves and their own lives. And they started to leave sort of a tribal way of life. Behind. They're moving away from nature. The worlds began to split and the planes of existence began to drift apart from each other.
Tava Baird: They were still sort of tied to each other. The way you might think of, like they still had sort of a muscle memory that they wanted to be near each other. That they were floating around each other in time and space. And soon it got to the point where you couldn't cross back and forth. So the dead were regulated to the land of the dead.
Tava Baird: And the fey were regulated to the land of the fey. And the angels were regulated to [00:11:00] the land of the angels, all of these different races or entities that we think of all had their own worlds, and the humans kept building cities and we putting up walls and soon, we were very, very separate from all of these other worlds.
Tava Baird: But these worlds do still drift and they're still trying to find their way back to wholeness. And on Samhain, The worlds happen to overlap once more in their cycles, and it becomes easy for the dead to visit us here, and for us to accidentally walk in among the Fae, and for all of these different guides that we are often reaching out towards.
Tava Baird: To communicate with us, you'll hear the phrase, The veil between the worlds is thin. And that, without even meaning to, you can suddenly turn a corner and find yourself [00:12:00] standing in a different reality than the one you are used to. the reason that All Saints Day, November 1st, is where All Saints Day is, is because of this idea that, you really kind of needed the saints to put everything back in order and keep all of this stuff from happening.
Tava Baird: And so that's why All Saints Day was placed on November 1st. First, this sort of counteract this pagan idea of walking between worlds, of moving through the liminal spaces and being able to do it if you were open very effortlessly. So this is the time of year where you often might be contacted by entities you haven't been contacted by before.
Tava Baird: And you also should probably be a little bit on your guard because if you know anything in, Celtic folklore, not all of them have your best interest at mind in mind at [00:13:00] times. it is a time for very powerful connections to be made. down in Mexico where they have the days of the dead at this time of year, where families go into cemeteries and clean the tombstones and put out fresh flowers and they celebrate.
Tava Baird: their ancestors and also recognize that death is a part of the cycle of life. That is what we are doing at this time. along those same lines, as we are walking here between spinning veils,last week,Jen and I got on the podcast intending to record one podcast and we were on the podcast Was it four and a half hours?
Jennifer Taylor: Yeah, we were, yeah, we were on with each other and recording for four and a half hours, somewhere about hour two and a half, I think we decided, oh, I think we're going to be done and [00:14:00] completed with and said, okay, let's, you know, I sang and let's,complete this podcast. And then. We kept chatting and another two hours worth of stuff came out.
Tava Baird: Was it was pretty wild. We forgot to do basic human things like eat and pee. Samuel was super chatty and afterwards, I had to have a lie down for several days just to recover from the intensity of the conversation, which you didn't hear if you let, so we edited last week's podcast to end about where we thought it was going to end, but there was a lot more material after that.
Tava Baird: And the thing that was the most interesting to me that came out of that material is as Uh, we were talking about angels and Samiel was talking with us, Jen suddenly became aware of a presence in her vicinity on, on her end of the podcast, because we are recording this over zoom. [00:15:00] And she also had a ringing in her ears.
Tava Baird: And I'm trying to remember exactly what you said. Well, you guys will get to hear it in a few minutes. But the upshot of it was that there was something. That had decided to start visiting Jen after she sang the second time and Samael identified that visitor as Michael as in the Archangel Michael We're actually going to let you hear this discussion that was the end of our previous podcast.
Tava Baird: on the other side of it, we thought what we would do is talk a little bit about what do you do when you feel something? An entity of some sort reaching out towards you. I have talked to a lot of people. Some people have very positive experiences with things reaching out to them that end up [00:16:00] being spirit guides or protectors or teachers.
Tava Baird: And then of course there's also the, Oh, whoa, I woke up from a horrible nightmare and there was a dude standing over my bed, like sometimes other things find their way in. Aren't so pleasant and you need to do a little bit of clearing and defense in those cases,
Jennifer Taylor:
Tava Baird: Jen and I both want to share our experiences about, times that we have felt something reaching out towards us and what we did in those situations. So what we're going to do now is let you hear the end of our, Samael and Angel conversation. Michael arriving.
Tava Baird:
Jennifer Taylor: in my last animal Reiki masterclass, my student is just amazing.
Jennifer Taylor: She's amazing. And we were talking about stillness [00:17:00] and, the place of peace and that these are actual energetic. They're actual energies, like they're like energetic spaces and places and that we can invite them in. And that we could invite in, like invoke, invite the place of peace in, and it would just come in.
Jennifer Taylor: And she works with horses a lot, and that she was saying that it used to be that she, that was the goal, that place of peace was the goal of where she wanted them to get to. And when she started calling in the place of peace at the beginning, That the animals relaxed and started out there, and then they could do so much more work.
Jennifer Taylor: And so we had all these discussions about that these are actual vibrations, like vibrational places that we can bring into [00:18:00] our spaces, and that we could do the same thing with stillness, and that we could call in the vibration of stillness. And peace and sit in that and that we can call that in just like we could call in a divine being or something like that.
Tava Baird: I think we often think of stillness as the absence of any vibration, but there's still stillness has its own vibration.
Tava Baird: I think it's just A much lower vibration than what we're used to. So we automatically go to, oh, it's, it's, it's like emptiness, but it's not.
Jennifer Taylor: Yeah. It's like a slower vibration, like a, yes. Like instead of this energetic drum beat, like at a soccer game kind of thing, it's this slow pulsing, like the, the heartbeat of the earth kind of, um, of rhythm [00:19:00] that because it's so slow, it's not quite as obvious as, you're really intense, faster kinds of beats.
Jennifer Taylor: And I, I think of stillness as, Kind of the ultimate place of balance where, it's like a pendulum that's been swinging back and forth and back and forth and back and forth until it, and it, it's really slowly working its way towards the center.
Jennifer Taylor: And then, when it stops there, it's actually like the, the absolute, the place of absolute balance where both sides have stopped being separate and everything has come together.
Tava Baird: All the energies are together at that point in the field.
Jennifer Taylor: You don't have to have a special empowerment of, you know, for or a special ability, but that anybody can really do to help to bring themselves back to that center point and I think [00:20:00] it's really nice to be able to, to talk about the different ways we can do that and have something like totally new. I have never heard of tapping the, your third eye three times and, wrapping our wings
Jennifer Taylor: And I, I read that somewhere. Let me see, let me see if I can find it. I think it might just be in seraphim wings. Let's see what it says.
Tava Baird: How many wings do the seraph have? this is a quote from Isaiah 6, Verses one through three. Above it stood the seraphim. Each one had six wings. With twain he covered his face. And with twain he covered his feet. And with twain he did fly. And one cried to another, Holy, holy, holy. Holy, holy, holy.
Tava Baird: there's one thing on here too that says Seraphim are supposed to be basically made of eyeballs. Now, [00:21:00] now Samael's just cracking up.
Tava Baird: Um,
Tava Baird: He's saying, humans say many things.
Jennifer Taylor: He's just sitting there laughing.
Tava Baird: He's so helpful.
Jennifer Taylor: Use your wings. Okay, so the traditional three ways that the Bible says the wings are. The wings are for flight, for the eyes, and for the feet. And he said the flight part was for protection.
Tava Baird: So one sets protection.
Tava Baird: he said, use, use your wings as we do to balance, use your wings.
Tava Baird: I think he just takes great merriment in watching us try to figure these things out. And he's just sitting there, you know, it reminds me of, um, I was on the playground once when there was a group of, Of three year olds and one of them said, [00:22:00] let's play house and, uh, a little, one of the other three year old girls said, okay.
Tava Baird: And she, she said, she was pointing to her friends around her and she said, you be the baby and you be the sister and you be the brother and you be the daddy and I'll be the mommy. And then she still had an extra friend. And she said, you be the honey. And you'd be the, when she'd heard her parents call each other honey, so she assumed it was a separate role.
Tava Baird: You know, and so she was trying to make on beyond mommy and daddy. There had to be a honey, right? Because that's what they called each other and I remember just sitting there giggling as she tried to figure out the social structure of a family based on what she'd heard there isn't a separate role as honey I mean, I guess there could be if you looked at it a certain way, but I remember thinking that was so funny.
Tava Baird: And I think a lot of the times we're [00:23:00] sitting here talking and going, wait, wait, are we supposed to do this? And he's just giggling because he's like, okay, you don't giggle. Okay.
Tava Baird: Um, apparently he wants to make that very clear.
Jennifer Taylor: He does not giggle.
Tava Baird: that came out very sternly, I do not giggle.
Tava Baird:
Jennifer Taylor: It's so funny. I had a whole list of all these questions and then ask a single question of Samuel about like the angels and stuff, but like professionally, do we need to, is it better to invite in all of the angels and whoever's supposed to be coming in to help out comes in and helps out, or is it better to call on this angel for this and this angel for that?
Jennifer Taylor: Or do we need to dismiss the angels? Like there's. this thing about, you call in all the angels and then you release them at the end, you release them from the healing. And I was thinking, Well, that kind of [00:24:00] sounds an awful lot like I'm commanding them and demanding that they do something and it seems horribly disrespectful to me to even say like I release you as though I had some kind of power over you to begin with and then Samuel was saying how it's angelic society was Very highly ordered and ritualistic and I was like, well, maybe it's a custom and so then I'm being rude by not doing that
Tava Baird: You just said, we release ourselves.
Tava Baird: Just thank us, Inshallah.
Jennifer Taylor: I thank you very much. That is 100 percent how I felt. But then I kept, because, but I was like, why? Why would you ever need to do that? I'm sure that they know, like, when they're done, you know, feel free to go. I'm not in control of anybody. But there are a number of things where I've seen where people said, you know, you need to release them from the healing.
Jennifer Taylor: I'm Well, in that case, I don't know if I should have had them there to begin with, cause it sounds like it's almost like against their will. That doesn't sound nice. They
Tava Baird: also just said, we never [00:25:00] go, so I guess.
Jennifer Taylor: So they never go, they're just there. I love that. They
Tava Baird: never go, they're there. Yeah, I just kept thinking, I
Jennifer Taylor: was like, this would be so helpful.
Tava Baird: He says, we appreciate acknowledgment.
Jennifer Taylor: And, that was another thing. Somebody was talking, people talk a lot about calling in angels and asking them for help. And some people say, you should be saying, angels, please help me with blah, blah, blah.
Jennifer Taylor: And then there are a lot of people who work with channeling angels who say instead, we should say, thank you Archangel Michael for providing a thousand feet of unconditional love around me and keeping me safe where you should basically say it in the form of a thank you for whatever it is that you're asking them to do.
Jennifer Taylor: so just even in the phrasing of how to best ask for the help, is there, is there a way that sort of the preferred way or the most respectful or effective? Yes. [00:26:00]
Tava Baird: You just said, it is always good to be polite, but remember, we are different, but all divine. Humans like hierarchy. You are not an angel, so do not worry.
Jennifer Taylor: Okay, so like the angelic society being very ritualistic, it's like, we don't have to worry about following all of their customs and things because we're not an angel. Well, that's good, because I was thinking, well, I don't want to offend on it.
Tava Baird: It is understood that you are what you are. We have our own society. All right, he seems, to be like cute little humans. As long as you're polite and you're good, we're good. But it sounds like among them, there's a whole nother,
Jennifer Taylor: yeah, that's a whole different, uh,
Tava Baird: That's a whole other thing. They're expected to understand how things work because they're of that [00:27:00] culture.
Tava Baird: Is that correct? Yes.
Tava Baird: When it makes sense that they would, because they are there. Like, that's what they are. And so it's sort of built into that makes sense. This is interesting. Humans put many emotions on us, like jealousy, that are their own perception. Yes. I, I have heard before, Samael tell me if this is wrong. I have heard before stories that claim that when God made humans, angels got jealous because they were no longer the favored creation of God. and that they act, sometimes they act out because of trying to get God's attention again.
Tava Baird: And Samael's saying, it is not so.
Jennifer Taylor: [00:28:00] That sounds very contrary to everything that we know about anything divine. Yes.
Tava Baird: He says, it is not so. We are curious. So they're curious creatures. I want to have a conversation later about this wing thing. Extra set of wings. Cause that's, stop asking about my body, it was a gift to show rank, rank where? Like, did I look a bit like her? Are you saying you have like bat wings?
Tava Baird: Now I'm just getting a stare. Okay. We're going to stop talking about his body. Bye.
Jennifer Taylor: Stop
Tava Baird: asking about my body, Umshala. It was a gift [00:29:00] to show rank that I look a bit like her. I'm assuming that, I'm assuming this means, and we'll see if he protests again, I'm assuming this means that because she, because she started off as human, but now she's something else, that the, the wings may be a gift in whatever realm she exists in, to show that he's associated with her.
Tava Baird: Whatever. Is that correct? I got a nod.
Jennifer Taylor: Yeah, I was thinking it seems like it has to do with where She is I remember reading something about that. She had tricked. No, some like prophet or something into sharing the word of creation or something like that and that in that she got she used it to Grow wings or something like like using the word of something You She was able to then grow wings [00:30:00] and flew out and was able to then kind of escape the, the world where she was in, in Earth.
Jennifer Taylor: And I'm trying to think where, and of course it would turn it into a trick. Yeah, you know, I mean, it's like, the stories would of course make it some sort of trick and not like,
Tava Baird: He says, no, no, I am the word she used.
Jennifer Taylor: Oh, because he is the word. Yeah. And so he gave There's also There's also a
Tava Baird: story about a book of knowledge that Samael's supposed to throw in the ocean.
Tava Baird: Okay, hang on a second. Now we're just getting more laughter. Okay, hang on.
Jennifer Taylor: Word Sami means blind, which is the original meaning of the name Samael.[00:31:00]
Tava Baird: Presides over the second solstice and the west wind of the fourth chakufa? Angel of death in Hebrew amulets, associated with Mars, the left side, the north, and Tuesday. Okay, now he's just laughing about Tuesday. Being associated with negative acts in ancient Jewish history, such as planting, is it book of, Greek versions of the book of Enoch, one of the Watchers, where is that story about the book?
Jennifer Taylor: in some writings samiel and lucifer confused with each other And lucifer's path is supposed to be the left hand path.
Tava Baird: And there's a story about him and a book. where these other angels tried to destroy this book. I am keeping looking. Okay. Hang on. He's first mentioned the book of Enoch, which is part of Jewish [00:32:00] Apocrypha, along with a rebel being one of the rebellious angels in Enoch one.
Tava Baird: He's one of the watchers who descends to earth to copulate with human women.
Tava Baird: Some say he, no, that doesn't make any sense. He's telling me, no, no, no, that makes no sense.
Jennifer Taylor: That makes no sense.
Tava Baird: Is it like the book of knowledge? There's yeah, there's a there's a story that says something about certain angels thought that humans shouldn't have access to this book of knowledge, and they were going to destroy it. And they thought that it was God's will, but Samael saves the book, I believe. And, and then the other angels are kind of freaked out because God is [00:33:00] like, yeah, that's what he was supposed to do. But now I can't find the story.
Tava Baird: this story. I have it somewhere. Um, yeah, "I do many things other angels say I should not do."
Jennifer Taylor: That was one of the things that we were going to ask him was that if the angels have personalities what kind of perspective he has on the elephant versus that we do,
Jennifer Taylor: If I were calling in angels and asking their perspective on, what should I do, or their perspective on the world and what's going to happen, would we get different answers from different angels because of their own opinions or perspectives?
Tava Baird: Or do they all have, you know, they're all looking at the [00:34:00] entirety of the elephant and they're all seeing the same truth? So we might get a slightly different. flavor to the answer, but that the answer would be the same, so if we ask Samael what to do, would he say the same as if we asked Michael what to do? No. No. There are many kinds of angels. No, no, we do not see everything. I see more, but I have my own work. as well. So wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, if we go back to the idea that humans are divine beings chose to incarnate in these bodies in order to have experiences and try to learn to move forward through them with grace and compassion. Are you saying you [00:35:00] are also on a path where you are supposed to be learning things? Yes, yes, yes, I do not just shepherd you along.
Jennifer Taylor: So I guess are all then basically all aspects of the divine both, working as community with helping, the need to help each other and on their own journey of discovery and evolution.
Jennifer Taylor: You are divine. I am divine. In between lives, we all have a path to choose. I am not incarnate. I remember. You will remember too, once I [00:36:00] come to take you home. So if we were going to, you know, ask for good
Tava Baird: change. just as you do. Okay, so are you saying you learn from this experience just like we're learning from this experience? Yes, yes, yes.
Jennifer Taylor: We seem to know so much because you cannot remember this time. Is there more than inside the world and outside the world? Yes, yes, yes, many worlds. So angels are a creation. You are a creation. Do not set yourselves below us. It is your situation. That that part makes it as far as looking at it as our situation. It's like it's only [00:37:00] because we chose to be in a body right now. That's why we don't know and remember. So the fact that he knows and remembers. It's like, if I chose to put on noise cancelling headphones and a blindfold.
Jennifer Taylor: And then I was asking somebody to help, with something. It's like, well, it's only because you chose to put on a noise cancelling headphones and a blindfold that you can't see and hear. It's not because you're any different than me. Like we're not any different after we put on those things than before
Tava Baird: You have to relearn each time you enter this world blind.
Jennifer Taylor: it makes me wonder. So if, if I were to ask Samuel what I should do, And he gives me an answer that's different than me asking Archangel Michael, what would be the best thing for me to do in a situation?
Jennifer Taylor: who should we ask, if we're looking for guidance and we're, we're looking for what is in the [00:38:00] highest good, for us to do. Or, to happen, how do we know who to be asking about what, like, are there specific specialties where it's like, well, if you're asking about physical health, ask Raphael, or if you're asking about, protection or something, ask Michael, or is it kind of like talking to people here where it's a matter of perspective as to what the right thing to do is?
Jennifer Taylor: Because. Samuel sees it in one way, and Michael sees it in another way, and I don't know, I guess each could be right or wrong depending on the way that you look at it. You take advice. You must decide. Your answers come from within. It is who you trust. You will feel which is your truth. So that's really fascinating because in my mind I [00:39:00] would have always taken it as if an angel tells me this, this is absolute truth. Not this is one of the perspectives to take in or that I could ask three different angels and get different answers and then decide what resonates. Like, I would never have thought of it that way. Remember, angels have perceptions too, and their experiences shape them. I chose to support Lilith. Others did not. There is. Free will, but our society also shapes us. Angels are all angels are individuals. Yes, but with common traits, just as humans are individuals. With common traits, [00:40:00] our roles are different. We were created for our roles. Therefore we often make different choices, but choices that differ, that seem large to you are often not of consequence to us. So when he was saying that, humans put feelings like jealousy onto angels that are not things that they experience, do angels feel other things like anger or resentment or feelings like that? You know, if,
Jennifer Taylor: he's chose to support Lilith and the others did not, you know, Is there an animosity between them because of these different choices or do they, they accept [00:41:00] that they, you know, it's kind of an agree to disagree. Like they accept that they have different perspectives and it's okay.
Jennifer Taylor: And it's not a, something that causes some sort of rift or, um, you know, the way it would in a human sort of world where people would say, well, I chose this and you chose that, and they're almost become sides.
Tava Baird: Okay, so you asked if they have emotions. He says, yes, yes, I feel fondness for you.
Tava Baird: And then when you asked if they had animosity, he said, no, no, we understand that it is our individual path.
Tava Baird: He said, jealousy is small. We tend to move beyond that, but grief and sorrow And joy are a part of our vibrations. Oh, Michael does not oppose [00:42:00] or blame me. Our adversarial relationship is a fiction concocted by men. It's the first time I've ever heard it mentioned, Michael.
Jennifer Taylor: It's interesting because I realized I mentioned Michael over and over as another, like, because he's sort of Yeah, you talk about Michael a lot.
Jennifer Taylor: Michael does not oppose or blame me. Our adversarial relationship is a fiction concocted by men. So it seems like, you know, given the angels remembering and their higher perspective of things, You know, they, they would be, in a place of that they're trying to help us with, which is that not choosing sides. It's not an or we're not sides of things, you know, there are different, perspectives of things and they're not wrong.
Jennifer Taylor: yeah, and I think that's part of what gets in the way of people having relationships with angels or asking for [00:43:00] their help is the impression that they're going to be mad at me or frustrated with me. Or irritated with me for calling them in because they had busier things to do, or if I don't do something that they recommend that then they're going to be mad and so I shouldn't ask for their help.
Jennifer Taylor: Or I think there's so many things that interfere with our ability to really receive their support because we're putting so many of these human kinds of feelings and judgments on them.
Tava Baird: You said something about or and he said, yes, yes, not an or you were, we were still talking about Michael. Yes. Yes. Not an or someone must draw the sword. Someone must collect the souls. So I think he's explaining, Michael's got his job. I've got my job. Michael works in accounting and I'm the marketing dude, and we're all part of the functioning of the company.
Tava Baird: We might have different opinions on how the company is run. [00:44:00] Sometimes accounting might not like how much marketing is spending, but we all are trying to get to the same place. Right. Then he said, when you call us in, that is part of our work. To help guide and heal, to bring balance without revealing too much. That is a fascinating aspect there. Ooh. Oh. If I give you all the answers, Umshala, there is no point to your incarnation. And so I laugh.
Jennifer Taylor: Well, that, you know, that makes sense.
Tava Baird: I often wondered, I'm like, dude, you tell us so much. Right? Like, I kind of feel like I've got a cheat code here sometimes.
Tava Baird: Ha, [00:45:00] ha, ha. Okay, I don't have the cheat code.
Jennifer Taylor: Well, and I think it sounds like, us having access to them is part of the program to begin with. You if part of their job is to support us, then it's not cheating. It's, Using the rules of the game, you know, it's, it's using the tools that we came in here for rather than stubbornly saying, no, I'm supposed to be doing this myself.
Jennifer Taylor: And it's like, no, that wasn't the plan before you came in and it doesn't need to be the plan now, but, handing over the controller and having them do it for us is also not part of the plan.
Tava Baird: We gently encourage and correct as allowed. I will not tell you the future, but I can help you cope with it. So this is no point in asking you what's going to happen in the election, right? [00:46:00] No.
Jennifer Taylor: Which is so interesting because, so I've listened to so many podcasts and been in direct conversations with people who channel angels.
Jennifer Taylor: And a lot of them say that we're talking about this kind of tipping point and this shift that's happening in the, in the world. And that, um, for a long time they were saying, we, we don't know, we need to get to the point where enough humans are awake to themselves and awake to their purpose so that we will kind of reach this tipping point.
Jennifer Taylor: And once we've reached this tipping point, Then our ship like this shift or this Ascension is kind of assured. It's just that we don't know how long or how it's going to work. And then recently I've, heard people saying that they've actually been told now that we have reached that tipping point that it is.
Jennifer Taylor: I can try and remember if they said our Ascension is assured or this [00:47:00] shift into this other way of being as far as the earth goes. I don't know. Is assured, but that so I'm wondering, can they really be telling us that if they can't tell us the future and then, you know, and it's not a, this is exactly what's going to happen, or this is how it's going to happen, but there's enough momentum behind this that.
Jennifer Taylor: This shift is going to take place and some have said very clearly within like your and my kind of lifetime that at least there's going to be this massive shift in the way that the economy is going to be run and then politically that everything's going to sort of collapse and then be rebuilt in this new way.
Tava Baird: And it's interesting if he's saying, you know, I can't tell you that. And that that's something that they're not allowed to tell us. Where is that kind of coming from? Or is that somehow not so much information that it's still [00:48:00] allowed? He said, remember your view in this body is short. Many still choose not to look.
Tava Baird: Things rarely happen the way humans think they will. So it's really maybe our misinterpretation of the messages. We all hope for the shift, but there is still much to learn here. Judgment day is not a day. So he talked before, about when the people on this world can look at each other with the same love when they don't remember their divinity, as the beings outside who look at each other with love when they do. Then things, that is when the shift happens.
Tava Baird: And then on earth as it is in heaven, that is when the shift happens. [00:49:00] That's right, right?
Jennifer Taylor: When it, I almost wonder, you know, the sense of judgment day, it's you know, this outside thing of when we will be judged, but it sounds like it's really more of a matter of when we stop judging, and when we wake up and recognize that we are divine, and that everyone is divine, and everything is divine, and start acting that way.
Jennifer Taylor: It's like the opposite of judgment day, like the, the moment when each person, maybe that shift happens at a different point for each individual. It's not like everything all at once, but you know, each individual, let's go of. Their own self judgment, which helps them let go of their judgment of others, which helps them step into that unity and, heaven on earth.
Tava Baird: He says, yes, [00:50:00] yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Humans judge. We do not. There is no feather on the scale.
Tava Baird: Was that Egyptian reference? He called me very good.
Jennifer Taylor: With the weight of the heart as light as the feather, was that the thing, how they would?
Tava Baird: Yes, there's a goddess named, and I'm probably pronouncing it wrong, it's M A postrophe A T Maat. Trying to remember my early archaeology courses in Egyptology. And Maat has, I think she's really, really tiny.
Tava Baird: And she has a feather, and she's the one who sets it on the scale, opposed to the heart. And if they balance, then you go on to your eternal of reward, and if they don't, I don't even remember what's supposed to happen to you, but, um, there is no feather on the scale.[00:51:00]
Tava Baird: Just when we thought we brought it back down to earth, my brain starts to leak out my ears again.
Jennifer Taylor: I know, like, and we've expanded again. Something he was doing, talking about when I was thinking about going back to the, when he was talking about angels and they each have their jobs to do you know, Michael draws the sword and he, collects the fallen and,
Jennifer Taylor: I was thinking,
Jennifer Taylor: I wonder, is there that same level of individuation of personality as we get down to how we were talking about, like he was sayingYou know that Kabbalistic concept of angels of an angel for every blade of grass and he was saying it's all energy and it's all vibration is there the level of like personality and individual path.
Jennifer Taylor: And growth of, the angel of [00:52:00] each blade of grass and that, concept, you know, the angel of my liver and the angel of my pituitary and those kinds of things, or is that really more of a, a vibration of something, but not something that's individuated to the point that it has an individual path and.
Jennifer Taylor: Perspective but more of an energy. That's something that we're working with. He says, you have felt the soul of a tree. Yes. Some energies float together as one. Yeah. And I have, that's true. I mean, I've one tree will say, yes, you can come up and hug me and lay under my branches. And another tree will say, no, I don't want you to just take any, I don't want you to take another step forward. Like, stay back there. Cause I was thinking, there's, in the human layers of things, there's, you know, like seraphim and archangels and guardian angels, and then there's, these kind of. Kabbalistic angels of [00:53:00] all of these different things and kind of wondering where that He said that they can speak, but some prefer to be part of a collective, bees perhaps. That's fascinating because our people, a lot of people have talked about, when we talk about animals, That they're like a hive soul, like that all deer, for example, like wild deer would all work together as like a hive soul and they're working towards the overall sort of evolution and growth of deer as a thing.
Jennifer Taylor: But then we know that like my dog has an individual soul purpose. Yeah. No. And so it's like the more that some of them that are working in direct relationship with humans or may have a more individuated kind of soul begin take on their own soul purpose.
Jennifer Taylor: Whereas then maybe the deer in the wild [00:54:00] have their, more of their own thing. And yet there's like the deer who keeps showing up at the same place for Keith when he's on his runs. Yeah, I guess they all maybe get to choose whether they want to be a part of that more hive kind of soul or a more individuated, once again, not or.
Tava Baird: And if I go back a little bit, they can spook, but some prefer to be part of a collective. Be as perhaps. So the waves flow as one and dance. Their focus is there, so they may not choose to speak to you. Separately, closer to the wild, the God, the closer to the joining behavior. So things that are things in nature on earth, part of their consciousness is in the collective, if they're of the wild, [00:55:00] he says, yes, stars, sing, Both joined and separate songs. Angels do the same.
Tava Baird: We understand harmony and have it as a focus. Most humans do not. That is why I enjoy the singer singing. She brings harmony sorely lacking in this realm. It reminds me of my people. Wow, now we know why he likes to hear you sing. Stars sing both joined in separate songs. Angels do the same. We understand harmony and have it as a focus. Most humans do not. That is why I [00:56:00] enjoy the singer singing. She brings harmony sorely lacking in this realm. It reminds me of my people. Can't you just see the angels whenever you want?
Tava Baird: He says, we are working, often our focuses have to be apart. Wow. You remind him of home.
Jennifer Taylor: That is like the sweetest thing ever. I am so honored. I'm, I love the, the insight about the animals. This, it's, it's, It's so much like what I had come down to with the, the hive kind of things and so much that they talk about and, you know, shamanism And because of that, they, they're very, they're willing to sacrifice themselves for the whole,
Jennifer Taylor: one that's sick or older will separate itself from the herd so that it is more easily picked [00:57:00] off and the rest can, continue. And, um, I've heard of, individual animals taking in, almost like embodying the illness of a herd or something so that they can clear it with their physical body by, dying with it.
Jennifer Taylor: It's like they actually clear the collective of deer, um, as an example, of whatever that is.
Tava Baird: Yes.
Tava Baird: He's still talking about you singing.
Jennifer Taylor: Oh my goodness.
Tava Baird: Today, the power of the high note, it had God in it. It reminds me of looking at a city with hope.
Tava Baird: And I was remembering, he was talking about. That thing that he told us about Lilith when he was talking to Lilith, and he talked about [00:58:00] standing on a hill and looking down at the city and the walls crumbling. So he uses this city imagery quite a lot, looking at us, you know, waiting for the walls to fall. But it reminds me of looking at a city with hope.
Jennifer Taylor: Wow. It's interesting as, as we've been talking, and I think ever since I sang, I've had this strong energy presence feeling and my, and this ringing in my ears that tends to happen when my understanding of it is that that's when there's another divine being overlapping me. And I've been wondering, I was like, is this.
Jennifer Taylor: Sam, I all helping me. Is this another being that is here that's coming in, but I hear.
Tava Baird: [00:59:00] Hello, Michael.
Tava Baird: Oh boy, the sound in my ears. No wonder I keep saying Michael over and over. It is good to see you, friend.
Jennifer Taylor: I cannot even tell you, the sound in my ears is so, it's this high pitch, and it just gets louder and louder.
Jennifer Taylor: Yeah, I so want to be able to open that. And hear him actually right before this, I read an activation from this [01:00:00] woman that it was told by the archangel. She is an angel activation practitioner. And they told her they gave her this thing to read or for that they wanted to put out there for free on the website for people to read, because sometimes that will open them up to it. And I read it right before the podcast. and was considering doing this activation thing with her. He said, after, Hello, Michael. It is good to see you, friend. He says to you, he tends to have a very strong vibration for humans. The ringing of the sword, his sword speak. The ringing of the sword. It has a very metallic y
Jennifer Taylor: sound to it. Like it kind of reminds me of the vibration of the gong when the gong, when I sing, the gong sings with me. I don't know if you can ever hear it. Like, it [01:01:00] sings with me, but there and granted, the gong is much deeper, but there's It it does remind me of that.
Tava Baird: The sword speaks. Your ears are hearing its echo.
Tava Baird: Wow. Oh
Jennifer Taylor: my god. It's a whole sound. I wish I could describe it. But it's getting more multifaceted. Like there are more overtones, maybe would be the word.
Jennifer Taylor: Huh? You know how, uh, Well, and the gong is singing now. Um, you know how like a, a Tibetan bowl or a, a Himalayan bowl, when you, you strike the side of it to ring it, it has all these different overtones at once.
Tava Baird: Yes. That
Jennifer Taylor: only is very high, like very high [01:02:00] pitch. It keeps going afterwards. Apparently this has something to do with the sword, so I wonder is like, is Michael around me a lot? Like the way that Sam Miles around you, or did he come in for this kind of discussion or was called in by my singing? He
Jennifer Taylor: was drawn by the singing. He recognizes it and it touches his heart as well He heard. The voice of God in your calling. How, how can I best use this presence or work with this presence for, I feel like, I'm like, he's here and I'm hearing his, his sword. And I don't know. I'm like, how can I, I feel like there's. It's something that I should be [01:03:00] doing to make the most of, make the most of it or use it to help others somehow, or I'm just still amazed at the sound of his sword.
Tava Baird: Samael says, he watches. Then you said, what can I do? He said, you are already doing it. Sing for him some more out in the wild. It will please him. And you must speak to him directly.
Jennifer Taylor: Okay. And it's, I mean, when I think about it, I call him in every day, sometimes multiple times a day. I mean, when I think about it, I talk to him a lot in the sense of asking, um, you know, for protection for my family and protection for others. And, um, [01:04:00] yeah, I would love to have more of a conversation. That's so interesting. It just. Dawned on me that in my Reiki master class and we learned about doing, healing spirit attachments and it hadn't gone particularly well, given the way that I think it had been done, which I think was really not the way that we were supposed to do it.
Jennifer Taylor: And it felt like it was incomplete and the person, the teacher said. I have this vision. Is there somewhere you can go out like in nature and sing and, and finish this yourself? And so I went down into the lot below us that at the time was just a lot and was this big open thing. And I stood there and I, I sang and was just asking to be cleared.
Jennifer Taylor: And it's interesting to me because going out and in the wild and singing [01:05:00] is how I managed to, I think, be cleared of the rest of whatever it was that was needing to get cleared from me. And Archangel Michael is who I would have asked that's a really fascinating full circle thing.
Jennifer Taylor: He says, yes, yes, you are familiar to him. He respects that you wish to protect. And then Samael did three tap on the forehead, like a little bow and asked, can you see him Umshala to me? Nice. And he said, he answers the same. So they have bowed to each other. They've acknowledged each other. It's interesting to me. I don't know if you see it, but to the left of you, I've noticed all I see is this intense, bright light and it overlaps, your arm and I, and [01:06:00] I've, I've seen it now for a while and I'm sure some of it has to do with the date, time of day and all that kind of stuff, but it seems to me.
Tava Baird: It seems like more than that, but it's actually pretty dark. In this room. There's no, I'm on the front of the house. It's, and where it's the afternoon. This is actually,
Jennifer Taylor: so over your right shoulder, there is no, this side s yeah, there's no super bright light behind you.
Tava Baird: I mean, there's a, a square of light on the hallway back there, but not.
Tava Baird: Oh, my God. You're right.
Jennifer Taylor: Yeah, I was gonna say, can you see it? The whole doorway
Tava Baird: looks like it's full of it.
Jennifer Taylor: Yeah, it's yellow, it's golden, and then intense white light.
Tava Baird: Yeah, that doesn't look like that in real life. Wow. He said it's Two teachers connected to their teachers.
Tava Baird: So Michael is one of [01:07:00] her teachers. Yes, yes, yes.
Jennifer Taylor: So am I seeing Michael in that light? Like, I feel like that has to be someone.
Tava Baird: Yeah, I have my own friends to be over here. Although what's interesting is remember I told you about the woman coming up to me in Odyssey Gem, and she was a stranger, and she's a psychic, and she came up to me, and she said, I hope you don't think I'm strange, but there is a man standing next to you, and he helps you with your writing.
Jennifer Taylor: Oh, yes. And she described him as being on this side of me. Usually when I see him, he's either across, from me, but like when I'm doing the podcast, she usually appears on my left, like sitting at the foot of my bed. But it's just interesting that you sent something to my right and that [01:08:00] woman did the same thing. Am I aware? Are you bringing it? Something like I am everywhere.
Tava Baird: Literally. Look, I am everywhere. I was like, I was like,
Tava Baird: Flippantd seraphim.
Tava Baird: All right, so what you just heard was the end of, the recording from last week, but Jen, I'm very curious because I know what it feels like when Samael is in the room with me on this end, but you had Michael in the room with you on that end, and I know there was the ringing in your ears, but can you tell us a little bit more about what that felt like?
Jennifer Taylor: Yeah, so. And gosh, it's, it's hard to find words for this. It's almost like I'm more see the sensation than I do. It comes to me still more visually than feeling like if I were to describe. what the feeling looks [01:09:00] like, which I know is a very strange thing to say. It, it's as though the back, it, I tend to feel it in the back of me, like as though he's standing behind me, but like kind of has stepped up into me to some extent to where I feel it looks in my mind's eye, like this thick, layer of kind of semi translucent whitish light and that it, it goes into me, like into my physical body by.
Jennifer Taylor: Maybe three inches all along the back, but I can also I also have this sensation that goes beyond my skin behind me for maybe a foot or so to where there's this feeling that it's [01:10:00] like I can feel it both in my energy field and then penetrating my body by several inches and The sensei in it it goes all up and down You I'm not sure, I don't know if I feel it a lot in my legs, but I'm also sitting.
Jennifer Taylor: So if I were standing, I feel like I might would feel it more, but I feel it, especially from, you know, kind of the base of my torso, like from like my sits bones all the way up the back of me up, my shoulders, my spine, my back, the back of my neck, my head and above my head. Um, and all into the backs of my arms.
Jennifer Taylor: And There's this Like vibrating, I don't want to really say tingling, but if you're, if you were to sit on a big speaker, like those big stack kind of speakers that they have at like a rock concert, [01:11:00] like if you were to sit on one of those or stand really close to it and you feel the vibrations through your body and they were just to can have like a continuous.
Jennifer Taylor: one continuous really loud note. That's maybe the closest I can come to, to that sense of that, like, it's like feeling the vibrations almost of music, but it's a steady constant kind of thing. Um, and it's not, um, it's not, it's not uncomfortable, but it's, It's so strong that it's kind of distracting.
Jennifer Taylor: it makes me, I find myself, and I think I was saying that in the, in the podcast, I'm like, whew, and I think it's just, it's, it's a very strong sensation. And it's so strong, it almost, It's almost like it takes my breath away some or you've like stepped into cold water and you're like trying to kind of get your breath and you're like, oh, oh, oh goodness, you know, like that kind of thing.
Jennifer Taylor: [01:12:00] It's a little, it's a little bit like that.
Tava Baird: So he actually like, when I wonder, because I know you've worked with a lot of different entities, is it like that every time? Or was this more specific to
Jennifer Taylor: Um, I feel like it's like this with very high vibration, uh, you know, very high vibration, divine beings. Like, um, I'm trying to think of other beings.
Jennifer Taylor: Like I have had, um, what's her name? Yamiya, the goddess of the salty waters, um, like step into me before. And it seems like it always happens. I don't think I've ever had, well, I don't know, maybe I have had a divine beings. You typically, they tend to come from behind me and almost like they're stepping up and into me from the back.
Jennifer Taylor: Um, [01:13:00] And this, this sensation, while I would say I think it was maybe a little bit different, and I've, I've had this sensation before, though, um, actually with beings from Orion, um, that came into me once when I was in a, a sound healing and kind of advanced consciousness sort of studies through the center of light, and we were in a class and I had talked about That I would hear this ringing in my ears, this like high pitched sound, and that I had come to recognize that it was, it meant that there was a being that was overlapping my energy field, and that I had felt this with beings from Orion, and I was asking the instructor, like, you know, do you have any sort of techniques or tools or things or, you know, what can I do?
Jennifer Taylor: How can I connect with them? And then at one point he said, um, Jennifer Taylor, the [01:14:00] beings are right there behind you. And you please turn off your camera, Paul, you know, mute yourself and go see what they need. I was like, Whoa, okay. And I had a similar kind of feeling. Um, of that overlapping the, the back several inches of my, my body kind of sensation.
Jennifer Taylor: And I've felt that it felt a lot like that with Yamiya, but I feel like more of the energy actually came into my physical body. Yeah. Um, but yeah, I, I've had this kind of sensation with a number of, you know, high vibration divine beings. Um, it is a little bit more intense, I think, the, when I, when I think about it and like the fact that I kept going, oh, oh, goodness, you know, like, I feel like the, the sensation of Michael has been [01:15:00] probably pretty intense.
Jennifer Taylor: The most intense physical sensations that I've had, um, of having, having a divine being kind of stepping up into me or overlapping me. And I, I've come to learn that, you know, our physical bodies can not really contain the fullness. Like they're, they're vibrating so high and they're. Their energy is so huge that oftentimes it will feel to us like they have really, like really fully inhabited our physical body, but I've learned that it's actually just sort of a part of them because we could not, you know, our, our physical vibration is just kind of too low to really kind of contain all of something like that.
Tava Baird: This is, is one of the reasons I asked this and it was so interesting to me, um, is that, uh, and I just kind of asked him right now as he was here, when Samael is [01:16:00] around me, he's often where I can see him coming. He generally doesn't come up from behind me and he always seems to be very careful to stop where he is, where his energy field is.
Tava Baird: With the borders of where my body is, like he doesn't, I've never had him overlap me, and Um, it was very funny because I, as you were talking about this, I was thinking, why doesn't that happen to me? And he said, because I am careful with you, Michelle. But what I did have happen was at the blue ball in, and I, Jen, I know I told you about this in a Marco.
Tava Baird: Uh, it was about a week and a half ago and I was upstairs in one of the bedrooms and I put my hands at the foot of the bed and said, is anyone here? And it was in a room that I'm normally very intimidated by. As a matter of fact, one of our other [01:17:00] archaeologists calls the room that I was in the problem child room, because it's the room where most people have, there's a particular entity that tends to pop up in the house from time to time and say, say and behave in a very aggressive manner.
Tava Baird: And he's often in that room. But what happened with me was I, um, I did that, is anybody here, when I felt someone overlap with me, and I had never had that sensation before, because Samael always is very careful about orders, like boundaries with me. Probably because I'm so newer at this, um, he doesn't want me to get, you know, cold feet and chicken out.
Tava Baird: Um, but this particular one, there was a man in the room, and he was fast stepping over me. And I looked through. I looked out of the hallway and could see what he saw, which was a woman sitting on a bed in another room, and I remember just thinking, [01:18:00] he's in love with her. And, um, my friend of mine who was in the house, one of the other archaeologists who actually has a, a medical background, um, it was interesting because he observed all of this happening and he didn't know what was, he didn't know that there was something overlapping with me, he just saw me staring at it.
Tava Baird: down the hallway into that other bedroom. And he was trying to get my attention. And it's very funny. I was out of the blue ball in for a dig this morning. And he, he said to me, um, so how did you feel after that experience? And I said, I have to tell you, I felt really cold on the inside and I couldn't get warm for like 24 hours after that.
Tava Baird: And he said, I didn't want to say anything at the time, but he said, you were standing there. I honestly thought you were having a mini stroke. He said, because you were so unresponsive and like your mouth was just open and you were just like you weren't blinking, nothing. He said, I literally thought you were having a [01:19:00] stroke and I was so relieved when you turned and went into the other room even though you hadn't answered me.
Tava Baird: And I was like, Oh, God, I didn't realize it was that extreme. Um, you know, he just told me that a couple of hours ago, but that was the first time Samuel is always sort of like, Hello, I'm here in the room. Here I come. Like, he's trying, I guess, trying not to scare me. And then I can often feel it. feel like the physical, like if he touches my arm or if he's sitting right behind me, he doesn't usually overlap.
Tava Baird: And so that that experience with this, it was a spirit or most in the house where I was overlapped with is closer to the experience you're talking about, where you they actually are. in your personal space, like beyond your personal space, not just in your energetic field, but, you know, super inside. And I hadn't had that before the blue ball in.
Tava Baird: it's really [01:20:00] interesting to me to hear you describe it that way and go, Oh, I guess, you know, the particular entities that are visiting you are just like, we're coming in, you know?
Jennifer Taylor: Yeah. I think, There's definitely a difference,so what, you definitely, I mean, you definitely had someone, stepping over into you.
Jennifer Taylor: I think the, the diff, I think it's a good example of the difference of what it, what it does to you to have an unhealed spirit that is not vibrating, you know, at a particular high rate, you know, who there was very unhealed and still stuck, at this. out of a body, but still stuck on this physical plane, um, doing his work, partially coming into and partially inhabiting your body for a period of time versus having a, an extremely high vibration, whole, um, [01:21:00] healed kind of energy step in.
Jennifer Taylor: for you, it was, I think Rita really, You're depleting like that just cold feeling that you couldn't get rid of. and I've had that kind of sensation. I've not had that kind of overlap sort of thing, like with a spirit that way, butThere's definitely a difference, and I think the cold is something that for me is a good indicator.
Jennifer Taylor: You know, like, I think I read in a book once where somebody said something about it was like a bucket of cold air was dumped over them. And that, that feeling for me tends to indicate something unhealed, you know, something that's not here you know, stepping in with this high vibration, healing kind of energy, but something that is rather using your energy.
Jennifer Taylor: Um, and the difference in how that relates and how, how [01:22:00] your body responds and how, whether that's a good thing for you or not, it's really dramatic, you know, and I think, um, the feeling, while sometimes the angelic feeling, there's there's a coolness to it.it's, there's a very, it's very different.
Jennifer Taylor: It doesn't have this sense of, um, there's no sense of fear for me in that. Um, and it doesn't have that like hollow kind of sense. And it's, it's like, the only thing I can kind of think of is that when I feel like I've been in the presence of something unhealed, um, there's this almost hollowness there.
Jennifer Taylor: And this is a very full, Like, super bright, um, spotlight kind of, of, of energy that's like filled with light. [01:23:00] Um, and, It can be tiring, you know, like we, you know, I was exhausting and, you know, you from channeling, you know, channeling is hard on our physical bodies and it can be exhausting, but it's a different, it's kind of a different feeling.
Jennifer Taylor: It's a different, um, thing that happened. And one of the things that I like to, um, really set, I set for myself on a regular basis is that I am sovereign in my energy. And I only allow what in my Reiki lineage is considered third heaven and higher energies to inhabit my being or step into my energy. And essentially what that means is that only beings who are healed and have evolved to a certain level to where they have, they respect free will and [01:24:00] they only have kind of your best interests at heart, you know, like what is in the best interest of the whole, because they have that.
Jennifer Taylor: That unity perspective, they have evolved and they have healed to a point to where they can see that everything is one and harming me is harming them because we are all connected. And so that, that vibration, anything that comes from my vibration of love, I allow to come in. And so I think that's part of, you know, why I was thinking about, so why would, Sam, I'll be stepping outside of you, you know, be outside of you.
Jennifer Taylor: And I have them coming in. And it made sense to me that I have, I've kind of developed that kind of relationship with my guides in that when they come in, for me, primarily it's because I'm in a healing capacity. So I am in a reiki session for someone. I'm doing sound healing, [01:25:00] I'm channeling, I'm actively inviting in.
Jennifer Taylor: even when I sing, I am. I consciously invite aspects of the divine, third heaven and higher, to speak through me, to, uh, to use my voice, to use my body, to use my energy, to bring through the highest healing vibrations that can, that I can. when I sang and Archangel Michael came in, part of my preparation before singing is that.
Jennifer Taylor: inviting in and opening up to anything that vibration to use my voice. And so part of that, you know, like when I'm doing a Reiki session and Yamiya stepped into me and was stuff, it was because I was asking her to come in and bring her healing. And so she was utilizing my energy and my physical body to [01:26:00] help to bring that through.
Jennifer Taylor: And so it makes sense to me that A lot of my experiences with guides involve them kind of stepping in because that's kind of what I'm at, you know, that's the way that we're working together. Whereas, and especially because I don't hear kind of quite, quite the way that you do either. That, sitting down to have a conversation with me would probably not be very effective for them.
Jennifer Taylor: It's like, you need to feel me and we're going to move through you that way. Yes,
Tava Baird: and I know that was one of the things that Samuel actually has brought up in the past with you is that he talks about the different divine beings. They all don't communicate with words sometimes, you know, and you have a gift for song and dance.
Tava Baird: And that a lot of times there are entities that really want to communicate with you that are attracted to song and dance, or that's how they communicate. Um, I [01:27:00] know one of the things that Samael talked about when he was speaking of Lilith a few weeks ago. Don't worry, our next episode is going to be Lilith.
Tava Baird: I know we've been teasing Lilith forever here, um, but that the words are not her primary method of communication, that she appreciates song and dance a lot more. With Samael, he's a word guy. I have people that like, I mentor who will say, well, I want to be able to hear my guides the same way you hear Samael.
Tava Baird: And I have to say, you have to understand Samael is a word person and I'm a word person. Your guides, uh, They may be communicating through music, they may be communicating through emotion, they may be communicating through feelings or signs, just because, the odds of you communicating with your guide the exact same way I'm communicating with Samuel are pretty low.
Tava Baird: Uh, from what I have [01:28:00] gathered from lots of other people out there who have written me after reading Book of Samael, um, they have different interactions with him than I do as well, and we're communicating with the same entity. like I always joke that, I run into all these people who say they've encountered him, and that he always has this cup, or he gives them a cup, and I'm like, and I'm like, Where my cup?
Tava Baird: You know, like, why don't I get a cup? What's the thing? You know, but that's not part of my relationship with him. That's not the role that I play there. And when I ask him, where's the cup? He just laughs and won't answer the question. Um, So just because someone else is having an experience with an entity doesn't necessarily mean your experience, even with that same entity, is going to be the same because, especially if it's a teacher or someone trying to get your attention, like Michael was clearly trying to get your attention, and we know from what came afterwards that he, you know, he wanted you to connect him with someone, it's going to be a [01:29:00] different experience for everybody.
Tava Baird: Um, the other thing that happens to me and it happens both in the house before spirit was there and it happens. All the time with Samuel is I tend to start to disassociate right before they start talking or right before they arrive. Where I just sort of, you know, like when you have a fever and suddenly the world starts to look like it's happening on a movie screen and like you are somehow now a watching it from a slight distance and you think, Oh no, I'm not really part of this reality anymore.
Tava Baird: That happens to me usually right before Samael starts talking to me. I will see him and then I start to disassociate or I will sense him around and I start to disassociate and then all the words come out. And then afterwards I frequently can't remember. Large parts of what he said, um, the same [01:30:00] thing happened with the spirit at the house, where I put my hands on the foot of the bed and said, Is anyone here?
Tava Baird: And then there was that same like disassociation sensation. maybe that's just how I do it. And I'm still learning. You've had a lot more experience than I have. with this because you are actively healing people, whereas, as I like to say, I'm just a stenographer for a seraphim.
Tava Baird: So, um,
Jennifer Taylor: Well, and it's, it's interesting that you say that because I, I kind of put myself in the same kind of realm that you are, where it's, I'm not healing anybody. I am bringing through and allowing healing energy to come through me, and I'm, I'm, I, you know, it's like you talk about you as just like being, you know, a stenographer.
Jennifer Taylor: I talk about myself being like a marionette. You know, and so I'm like, okay, use my hands, use the skills that I have, use my body, use my voice, and it just sort of [01:31:00] comes through me. And I feel like it's very much the same kind of thing. You know, I, I personally don't have the You know, nobody can heal someone else, but they can access, you know, they can connect them with a source of an infinite source of healing energy.
Jennifer Taylor: And when the divine beings come through me and are working through me, it's really them doing the work, you know, it's the angels or the the, the goddesses or, you know, whatever divine beings that are doing the work and the Reiki that's doing the work. And I'm just, it's funny, cause I feel the same way.
Jennifer Taylor: I'm like, I'm just kind of like a marionette or a puppet and allowing myself to just, you know, surrender to that. But it's interesting that how you were talking about that feeling of dissociation, because I realize I tend to have that too. And it was in, as you were talking, I was feeling more and more, uh, I guess it's Archangel Michael because he's been around a lot.
Jennifer Taylor: And as we were talking about it, I was feeling it and I [01:32:00] have so much of the sound in my ears. Um, and I was feeling that I was having a hard time focusing on what you were saying because I was feeling that dissociation and I hadn't ever really put it together as to, I don't think I would have. recognize that that's kind of part of what happens if you hadn't said that.
Jennifer Taylor: So I'm so glad that you did because there is this sense of, for me, I feel like it's a stepping back. It like, I, I literally feel like I'm stepping back. Like my spirit is sort of stepping back, maybe a half step out of my physical body where, and it's like a place where I can observe and I'm more connected to my.
Jennifer Taylor: spirit body, my light body. And so I'm not, I'm like sort of half, connected with my physical body and more kind of more than I [01:33:00] normally would be in touch with that spiritual energetic reality. And it's like that energetic reality becomes more palpable and more real than the physical world.
Jennifer Taylor: And I think that's maybe the best way I can articulate it. Yeah, it's like all of a sudden that and that it's the same kind of feeling I had like we were hiking in Boulder and we were on this mountain and the energy of the mountain There was so much energy that I told Keith I said it's like the energetic reality here is more real than the physical reality.
Jennifer Taylor: Like, I'm having to focus on, like, tying my shoes and things because I'm, like, distracted by the amount of energy that I'm feeling around me. And that's kind of what it's like when Archangel Michael steps in in a big way or there's, there's this divine being that is really, getting my attention.
Jennifer Taylor: It's like all of a sudden that reality is more real than the [01:34:00] see it, feel it, taste it, touch it kind of reality that we normally live in. And so what normally would be something that you don't even have to think about. that seems like, wow, I would have to really focus if I needed to drive a car or do something right now.
Jennifer Taylor: Like I couldn't do both of those at the same time very well.
Tava Baird: Oh my gosh. Yeah. I totally get what you mean about the, the whole, it was so funny as you were talking about them stepping forward into you and you taking a step back. All I could think was do si do with the divine, Like, you know, swing your spear round and round.
Tava Baird: yeah, I love you. I totally know that feeling of, Oh my God, like I can't even, can't even focus on like the actual people that are might even be speaking to me or like in the case with the blue ball in, where like my friend was standing next to me. In my vision field, I'm sure my brain must have been, part of it must have been processing.
Tava Baird: He is standing there [01:35:00] saying something to you, but my attention was not even registering his existence because I was, there was something else there that was basically compelling me to look Last and to see what I need what you know, what in that case what you wanted to see so Yeah, like I mean, I think about the number of times, this fall that I've been at, or something like that and I'm sitting there having a conversation with someone and I'm in a public place I'm at a market like, I'm taking 10 for a print in the middle of it Sam I else just like And I just have to stop everything and start writing things down and be like, I hope the person in front of me is prepared to deal with this because, you know, a lot of times it's because he wants to talk to that person.
Tava Baird: And so they're always enthusiastic because, They're actually getting a message. But, you know, in the beginning when he first started coming around, I [01:36:00] was thinking, Oh my god, what are people gonna think of me? And now I just do it because I really don't even have a choice. Like the, the fact that they're waiting for their three dollars and change or something becomes suddenly so low on the priority scale compared to this other sort of encroaching reality that I don't even notice it.
Tava Baird: I wonder a lot of times, do I seem really scatterbrained to people when this happens because I'm having trouble tracking what the mundane things are that is going on because there's just, this booming seraphim voice in my ears.
Jennifer Taylor: Yeah. Well, it's, it's interesting when you were, you were saying, you know, becomes lower on the totem pole.
Jennifer Taylor: I was thinking it also, it feels like. the rest of the world, the volume gets turned down. Yes. It's like the volume just gets turned down. And it's interesting. I'm realizing the other thing that happens to me is my face gets really flushed. And I, it's funny because as [01:37:00] we're talking about, I'm feeling more and more and more and something that I feel like Archangel Michael is trying to get me to say is that the difference or a big difference between the spirit that stepped into you at the Blue Ball Inn.
Jennifer Taylor: and him and Archangel Michael stepping in for example is that Archangel Michael respects free will and that that spirit was not respecting your free will and was taking over without permission and that a a healed aspect of the divine working from love, like an angel, will always respect free will.
Jennifer Taylor: And so, if you're trying to get a sense of, is this something, that is that kind of the heart vibration, the vibration of love and, you know, angel kind of vibration, or is this some sort of spirit, ask it to stop. [01:38:00] And it will stop immediately. If you ask, if it is a, a being of divine love who is respecting free will, which is the only being I will allow to affect my energy.
Jennifer Taylor: sometimes, something steps in, you don't expect it or whatever. But if I say stop, it would immediately stop. And that is one of the big differentiating factors is that it is always with my consent. And I have had, I've been in like sending healing for people and I had this Like huge stone, like, I don't even know how to describe it.
Jennifer Taylor: It's something out of a movie, like this giant stone creature picked me up and put me on its shoulders and was walking in and I was like, wow, we are walking in like we, there was so much power and so much energy coming through and I got scared. And was [01:39:00] like, Oh my gosh, is this a good thing? Like, I don't recognize this being.
Jennifer Taylor: I've never heard of it. And I don't know who it is. And, um, I just, I had this instant, this little minute of panic of like, Oh my gosh, what if I'm doing something bad? What if this isn't a good thing? And in that instant that I had that fear. He took me off his shoulders and set me down and kept going. And that was it.
Jennifer Taylor: I didn't, the energy stopped. I didn't feel anything else. And then I was like, Oh man, I just totally blew this. This was so amazing. And then I just blew it because I got scared. But I've had that happen on a number of occasions where something comes in and then all of a sudden I go, Oh my gosh,
Jennifer Taylor: What if I did, what if I'm not supposed to do whatever? And the second I have that fear, it is over. And that's how I know, okay, you know, that, that, that was something that I would want to deal with because it is totally respecting my free will. [01:40:00] And, something that doesn't something that you feel like you you're pushing against or that you're resisting in any way, anything that is insisting on anything.
Jennifer Taylor: Anything is not a vibration of something that you want to be dealing with. You know, you may have an angel continue to show up and go, come on, you need to do your work. I've been asking you to do this. Come on. But it's because it's in your Does that sound familiar? But because it's like, it's in your highest good.
Jennifer Taylor: And you know that you could say, I'm absolutely not going to do it. I don't want to do this work anymore. And they would 100 percent leave you alone. I felt it building until me. I was like, I'm going to explode if I don't say this.
Tava Baird: Yes. Yes. I think that's a very, a very good, good point is, you know, always go with your gut because there, there are all sorts of things out there on these planes and we don't like, we all have such a tiny part of the elephant and we're discovering more things about this all the time, um, that you do [01:41:00] have to be.
Tava Baird: And you have to be wary.one of the things that was, you know, fairly early on in me working, well, I guess it wasn't super early on. It was after the first six months, but I was, um, I was sitting in a booth at a market. And this woman walked in with her child and, uh, she now volunteers at the inn and she's fabulous.
Tava Baird: But, um, he walked into the booth and started chatting with me. All of a sudden she just went really, really still. And her eyes got really wide and she said, There is a very large, powerful man right behind me. And I said, Oh, I know who that is. And she, and Samuel basically had walked up behind her. And, um, she said, he's very interested in you, but he's a little bit close.
Tava Baird: And she said out loud, could you take a step back, please? When I immediately saw her relax, [01:42:00] like, he backed off. You know, like, she just requested, like, she was very, she was sensitive enough to notice he was there. And that he was listening, and that he was hanging out in my vicinity, and he wanted to know who she was.
Tava Baird: But as soon as she said, okay, that's, you saw this look on her face, okay, that's a little intense. Can you please back off? When I was very curious, I said, what did he do? And she said, Oh, he, he stepped back. So and it was interesting because another time while I was at the inn, I was sitting there on a bench with a wheelbarrow and a screen in front of me screening for artifacts.
Tava Baird: And she was talking to me. And also that you went, Oh, he's back. And I said, is he getting right up in your, in your energy again? And she said, no, no, he, she's leaving a little more distance. He's right behind me. He's just watching everything you do. And so it was interesting to me on two levels.
Tava Baird: First off, because. He remembered that she didn't like him to be that [01:43:00] close, and he made the adjustment for the next time she was around me. And second, he walked right up behind her and didn't seem to, but he was, he, he tends to stand in places where he can observe what I'm doing. And I kind of, I tend to think it's sort of like, you know, I'm the new kid in the chemistry lab at high school, and he's the, uh, professor going, Oh God, she's probably going to blow this place up again.
Tava Baird: I better stand where I can keep one eye on her.he's just watching to make sure I don't pour the wrong beaker into the wrong beaker. it was really interesting to me to have someone. It You know, and the first time she was a complete and total stranger walk in and then say to me, mid sentence, you don't think I'm insane, but there is something behind me and he is huge.
Tava Baird: And then the next thing she said to me was, do you know a Samuel? And I said, you're one letter off. And then she asked him to step back and he did. So I think that that whole, you know, I'd like to [01:44:00] request that you move out of my energy, please, a little bit, and then they do is a very good marker that you're dealing with someone who has something to say to you.
Tava Baird: My experience with the Morrigan has been signs, like you will suddenly get crows and ravens. All over the place, like circling your house, calling when you go out for days in a row. Um, you know, suddenly people mentioning her name who have never mentioned her before. You start to get, you know, all like, there's just all of these, you get lost and suddenly you're driving through a town where everything is, you know, the Morgan Daily News.
Tava Baird: And you're like, okay, so someone's here, but I mean, and I would love to know, I know I've run into several other people that have worked with her, the only time I've ever had her like, really speak to me was when you did my Reiki attunement, and even then she spoke very little, the rest of the time she's around.
Tava Baird: times, and she [01:45:00] will often gesture or make signs or point out things, and she appears in dreams, but she, it's a completely different interaction than it is with, say, Samuel, who will, you know, sit next to me in my Jeep as I'm driving down the road, and he's just talking about stuff. it's a very feeling of a, of a different entity coming in.
Jennifer Taylor: they do each have a, a somewhat different vibration, even if they are, even if you're all dealing with, these high level,high vibrating divine beings, they tend to each have like a slightly different sort of like texture and hue and feel. If you're somebody that really feels the presence of things, you know, maybe you're not visual and you don't hear anything really.
Jennifer Taylor: But. There's just this sense of the energy. Oftentimes, um, one of mine and I talk about all the time, Jonathan Goldman had said [01:46:00] that they tend to come from the same direction also. So if you're sitting and you're calling in and you're asking someone to come and work with you, oftentimes they will approach from the same direction.
Jennifer Taylor: Um, so you may feel like, okay, in my energy field up diagonally to the left. There's this like for some reason for me, like Jesus tends to hang out on the left, certain beings will tend to kind of come from certain directions. So it may be that you notice, when you're kind of meditating, you're sitting and you're connecting and you're inviting in your guides.
Jennifer Taylor: That there's one that it always somehow the energy or the sensation of them always tends to be in a certain place in your energy field and that may be a way that you can kind of differentiate. Okay, I think this one is different, you know, than that, um, the, and yeah, and sometimes it's really, it's just a feeling.
Jennifer Taylor: Feeling and almost like something that you can't really [01:47:00] place. Um, and it, especially at the beginning, it's often I'm not likely to be as intense as, what I'm feeling with Archangel Michael right now. Um, but I've done a lot of things of specifically you being open to receiving those kinds of energies of the biggest way that angels would communicate with me originally was music and songs and signs.
Jennifer Taylor: Like I would, a song would come on the radio and all of a sudden it was the exact words. It was like the angels using the words of the song or like in just specific lyrics that would stand out. And I knew that was the answer to my question or billboards or, uh, license plates or something like, we were trying to figure something out one day and we were really wrestling and we were in the car and we're like, you know, what do we do?
Jennifer Taylor: And inside I was just crying out to the angels going, please, somebody just help me. And we were trying to decide what we should do. And the [01:48:00] word, the exact word that represented one of the choices. Was on the license plate of the car in front of us it like cut over right in front of us So it really would like so we really focused on it because all of a sudden it just darted right in front of us and there It was the license plate with the exact word That was the clear answer of one of the choices that we had like so oh my god You know, I mean, it's amazing.
Jennifer Taylor: And like billboards, it was so weird. billboards all of a sudden, like a part of a message on a billboard on the highway or something would be exactly something that you could just feel. It's like when you see something and it just, it's like, it touches this, this one part in you, it kind of resonates somewhere.
Jennifer Taylor: that's a way that you can really strongly receive messages from guides. Um, and that for years was, was the primary way of communication. You know, I didn't feel [01:49:00] a presence, I didn't hear anything, I didn't see anything, but it would come on a, you know, it would come on a radio, or somebody would just come up to me in the store and say, I, I feel like I need to tell you this, and it would be exactly what I needed to hear.
Jennifer Taylor: Oh my gosh, that's incredible. It's
Tava Baird: so amazing. It's so interesting to me. I mean, we, we move past so much information in our daily life and the way that a lot of times our attention will be drawn where it needs to be drawn to. There's obviously something working to get that message there. What we have to do is be able to be open enough to see it.
Tava Baird: Because otherwise we'll walk past it the same way we walk past everything else. And so just, I think, a lot of it is practice. It's just taking time and having the courage to take a deep breath and say, what do I hear? What am I seeing? if my [01:50:00] yard is suddenly full of crows for three days in a row and it's never happened before in the ten years that I've been here, like, what is going on?
Tava Baird: What do I need to be looking at that I'm missing? And often you find that, they're speaking to you, just not necessarily.
Jennifer Taylor: Yeah, and there's that, there's that delicate balance between being aware of what's happening and just, being aware that, you know, signs and messages and support comes from you to you from all different places and becoming hypervigilant.
Jennifer Taylor: And for me, that's a hard line to, to walk because like when, when Archangel Michael came in at the end of that podcast, I felt like, Oh my goodness, this is such an amazing thing. And I want to hear what he has to say so badly. And then I was trying so hard that. I, [01:51:00] I kind of blocked myself up. when you get to the place where you're like hypervigilant, where you're like straining your eyes, desperately trying to see or straining your ears, desperately trying to hear, that brings you out of balance and it's harder for you to receive.
Jennifer Taylor: So sometimes like that, like you're talking about like crows or something will happen and I'll see this bird and I'll know it's something important. But I, I'm. Like, okay, what is it? And my brain starts going a million miles an hour. And that takes me out of the place where I can really receive. And so I try to remind myself I want to be aware and noticing, um, but without being in this straining kind of place.
Jennifer Taylor: sometimes the best thing to do when you're trying to figure out what a message is, is just sort of. Relax and breathe and let it go and just let your guides know. Okay. I know this [01:52:00] is important. I recognize this. Please bring me more signs and help me to find other ways of helping me to get this message because I know this is important, but I'm having a hard time.
Jennifer Taylor: figuring out how and then just relaxing into it because sometimes I'll get in those places and I get so frustrated and I'm trying and straining so hard that I think I end up turning it into something that it probably isn't because I'm just so desperate. I'm googling every, you know, what does it mean when this kind of animal jumps from the right to the left and you know does this that ultimately, the message will come to you.
Jennifer Taylor: And if you're not getting it from that, just the fact that you're aware and your guides go, Oh, she noticed that that happened. I think it's just being gently aware and then realizing, paying attention to that sense, that little bit of sense that you get of something resonating within you. There's just this [01:53:00] sense of, Oh, like that feels important or, and.
Jennifer Taylor: Noticing that and the more you get in the habit of noticing and recognizing and just taking a moment to mark that that moment of this seems important. This seems, and then following up on any sort of impulse you have at that moment. If it's I feel like I need to go over there and say hi to that person or I need to pick up go over and look at that book.
Jennifer Taylor: That book is just, it feels like it's jumping off the shelf at me when there's, you know, racks and racks of books or whatever it is. Taking then that next step of following the impulse that you get when you have that thing. Thing that seems to just sort of jump out at you when there's no reason why it should.
Tava Baird: Yes, and it, it can be a scary thing if you're not used to doing that. I mean, I think of the number of wonderful relationships I have that literally started because someone said, I feel like I'm supposed to come over here. And talk to you, and I don't know why and you can see on their [01:54:00] faces, they're like, please don't let this person think I'm insane, but I'm looking for those things.
Tava Baird: And so, when they tell me that doesn't usually happen to me, I feel like I'm supposed to come over here and talk to you. My next thing is, well, we might not even know why, but it's going to become apparent really soon. And then from there, we often find, you know, connection that we didn't know was there. in a little while, if we stay in touch, then the message comes through.
Tava Baird: a lot of times, you know, you can't, it'slike having a romantic relationship here on Earth. If you try to force the relationship to happen, it's never going to happen. But if you can relax into it and say, I'm open, I'm listening. And if something has a message for me, I'm, I'm looking, it's going to, they're going to arrive.
Tava Baird: Um, when I teach bone casting, that's one of the things I tell people, is I say, Bone caster's bones come to them. I'll give you a practice kit to start with. Here's what's going to happen. You're going [01:55:00] to go home after this class. And if you want to be a bone caster, you're simply going to say to the universe, I'm ready, send them my way.
Tava Baird: And I said, I guarantee you, within, Three days, you are going to have people handing you strange objects. There's going to be stuff in your front yard. Your dog is going to pick up something on a walk. You know, a child is going to find something and hand it to you. You are going to have more bones than you know what to do with, more little objects to cast with.
Tava Baird: And then I always end class and I go. Go home, and I look, I would love to know what happens and about two days pass and then I start getting those emails. Holy cow, 10 bones have appeared in my life in the two days. I can't believe that all these things are coming to me. And, um, It's just being in that state where you're open and saying, all right, send it my way, and then sitting back and relaxing.
Jennifer Taylor: Yeah, and I think that's such a wonderful, [01:56:00] like, tangible example of the way That this kind of thing works and our guides work the same way and every single person listening to this and every single person on the planet, you have a set of guides, you have, you know, these guides who are more enlightened and aware and filled with love for you who are just sitting around going, how, how do you think we should get our attention now?
Jennifer Taylor: Like, how can we do this? And the more you start paying attention and recognizing it, the more will come and they'll start noticing, all right, these are the things that seem to really work. These are the things that seem to really get their attention. We'll do more of that. And it's, it builds and builds and builds on itself to where every time you.
Jennifer Taylor: notice something and follow through on the impulse or go, Hey, okay, I'm listening. I get that you're here. Try not to let it be frustrating if [01:57:00] you're not, you know, just instantly having a conversation with them or something, but let it just be this little exciting game of like, Oh, I got that one. Yep. Okay.
Jennifer Taylor: I figured I noticed that you did something. All right, let's let's keep going. Let's see. And it will it will just keep coming. The books, the Celestine prophecy. are really good at helping to kind of show how that kind of stuff evolves. You know, how you get these little impulses and you're just sort of led.
Jennifer Taylor: I think of it as being like, led on a little breadcrumb trail through our lives of like, Ooh, over here. And something gets our attention and moves us over there, which moves us over there, which moves us over there. And all of a sudden we're talking to this, the person that's exact, has exactly the information that we need.
Jennifer Taylor: That's exactly the connection that we need. And, um, yeah. It is, life becomes so magical when you start being able to see it through this kind of lens.
Tava Baird: We have, uh, one of the people that I [01:58:00] mentor and, um, they were saying, I've been trying to hear, this particular entity for two years.
Tava Baird: I've been trying so hard and now all of a sudden, you show up and you're helping me with stuff and now I feel like I'm finally connecting. Why now? And I said, cause I told you to relax. You know, like you spent two years. Trying to force a relationship and you're trying really hard, these things show up when they're meant to show up, one of the things I say is, how come I was on this planet half a century before I start hearing Samael, and he just said, you weren't ready to hear me, you get to, sometimes it's all timing, it's, it's, you get to a place where you can hear in a different way, And you're ready for the messages that come through, and a lot of times it's not on our timeline, and that's frustrating because we very much like to be in control of things as humans, but we're, we're [01:59:00] working with divine timing on this.
Jennifer Taylor: Yeah, I feel like that's a perfect example of our podcast where we'll sit down and the last podcast we sat down, we're like, Oh, okay, we're just gonna this is just gonna flow right on through. It's not going to be a crazy thing to edit where we end up going for hours and hours. And the next thing you know, four and a half hours later, because we're You know, being show up and information starts happening and we have to be flexible with how it's going to go because the and the more you work with spirit, the more you work with the, guides, the less linear.
Jennifer Taylor: everything becomes. You know, it's never the straight road to whatever it is that you're thinking. And, um, so yeah, just, just by coming along on this ride with us, you'll get more used to the idea of kind of the way things start working. Like by the fact that we have now been talking for like another hour and something, and this was supposed to be really
Tava Baird: quick.
Tava Baird: So, so [02:00:00] which leads us to it's probably time for us to bid each other adieu. we hope that everyone out there listening, uh, no matter what your background or your spiritual tradition, we hope that you have a lovely Samhain and that, you can enjoy settling to earth like a leaf falling from a tree.
Tava Baird: And we thank you all for listening. and for being part of our community.
Jennifer Taylor: And I, still feel Archangel Michael extremely strongly, and so I am going to allow him to sing, or ask him if he will continue his presence and sing through me a blessing for all of you.
Jennifer Taylor: [02:01:00] Well, that was really different. And at least in my head sounds a lot like his sword, so, um, he definitely has a different voice. I don't know if you can see it on the notebook here. So
Tava Baird: this is what came through as you were doing, as you were singing. The ringing of the sword, umshala, in her voice I hear the blessed [02:02:00] ringing of the sword.
Jennifer Taylor: That is very validating because I was like, Oh my goodness, it's that metallicy. I hope it sounds to other people the way it sounds in my head because I was like, this is the clearest sound of the sword that I've heard. So yeah, so there you go.
Jennifer Taylor: There's the sound of Michael's sword as blessing and protection for all of you. And I kept thinking, I was like, are we going to do something more melodic or, you know, is there more? And it was like, no, no, no, no, that was all. It is good. It is enough. Well, thank you so much, and thank you as well. And thank you to all of those who are with us and coming with us on this journey.
Jennifer Taylor: And we look forward to connecting with you and feel free to reach out if there's anything that you would like to add to our discussion as well.
Tava Baird: And be sure to tune in next time for our talk on [02:03:00] Lilith.
Jennifer Taylor: Be well.
Tava Baird: Be well.