Mystical Musings

Hunger and Honesty: Touching Your Tongue to Truth

Exploring Divine Guidance, Connection, and Healing Practices

In this episode, Jennifer Taylor and Tava Baird discuss how art creates sacred spaces for connection. Jen shares a transformative vision involving golden monkeys and discusses the importance of using one's voice as an instrument of divine energy. Tava channels messages from Samael about  the deeper meanings of hunger and spiritual connection. The episode includes a live demonstration of Jennifer's channeled healing process, blending song and movement, and offers guidance on recognizing and following divine messages. The hosts suggest techniques for listeners to explore their spiritual paths and affirm the importance of sharing these journeys to inspire others.

00:00 Morning Greetings and Well-being

00:16 Exciting Projects and Reiki Classes

01:53 The Joy of Writing and Reader Connections

05:48 Unplanned Discussions and Seeking Guidance

06:58 Vision of the Golden Monkeys

09:30 Ritual and Prophecy

25:39 The Role of Gatekeepers and Divine Connections

43:51 The Symbolism of Cake and Rituals

45:00 Exploring Samhain Rituals and Deities

46:46 Honoring Food Without Overindulgence

49:38 Feeding Wildlife and Symbolic Offerings

51:24 Hunger Beyond the Physical

55:52 Channeling and Divine Guides

01:19:11 Practical Tips for Spiritual Communication

01:30:22 Concluding Thoughts and Future Content

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Tava Baird: or

Jennifer Taylor: Willow Ridge Reiki and Healing Arts

Tava Baird: [00:00:00] Good morning, Jente.

Tava Baird: How are you? 

Jennifer Taylor: I am well, thanks. I am so glad I am well and everyone in my household is well at this current moment. I am very grateful. How are you, Tava Baird? 

Tava Baird: I am good. I am. Crazy, fun, busy with all sorts of lovely, lovely projects. I feel like I have one finger in each of about ten plots and a couple for my toes as well.

Tava Baird: All of them are just full of good energy and possibility and new opportunities and, so things are excellent. 

Jennifer Taylor: Awesome. Well, that's really exciting. It's been really cool. I just, finished teaching another Reiki one and two class. And I always, I remember, but I forget, you know, the.

Jennifer Taylor: profound effect. And so it's been really neat this past week or so, listening to students writing me and saying, Oh my gosh, I'm using my Reiki and this way and that [00:01:00] way. And like all the ways that it's changed their lives and stuff. So it's gotten me really excited more people coming for classes.

Jennifer Taylor: I'm getting really excited about that. But I feel like you too, where I feel like there's just like all these hands in different pots all around. that's like our whole spider thing. We had a whole episode about that. that's kind of how we operate is one leg in all of these different things.

Jennifer Taylor: And then. I'm trying 

Tava Baird: to coordinate like what's coming next, what's the next energetic thing coming up. my brain is already planning for things that are happening at the end of the year and we're not even into spring yet. I sort of feel like my head is in all seasons at once, you know, I'm pulling together the things that I'm going to be participating in at Beltane and I'm pulling together.

Tava Baird: things that I'll be participating in. It's Samhain and, on both, both sides of those. it's all wonderful. the other thing that's great is, my seventh novel just came out and I'm starting to hear from people who are reading [00:02:00] that for the first time. And that's always exciting to connect with people.

Tava Baird: I know we've talked about on the podcast before, the idea that art creates realms where people can meet, that it creates actual sacred spaces where our energies can go together. And so it's really fun. After doing something like writing where it's mostly a solitary pursuit for a long time. And then I bring in this small, trusted group of people to take a peek around the world.

Tava Baird: And I know you and Keith are two of those people, and give me feedback. And now it's out there where I hear from people who have never, entered my head And to be 

Jennifer Taylor: able to It's a fun place to be. It's, 

Tava Baird:

Jennifer Taylor: mean, at 

Tava Baird: times, At least 

Jennifer Taylor: from our perspective, the perspective we get to live in, it's really fun.

Tava Baird: So, it's sort of neat. It's I feel like I sort of opened up the, uh, the borders of the world. And, you know, I really believe that when people read, part of [00:03:00] it is the writer, but the other part is the reader who brings their own unique Um, experiences to the words. And it makes the worlds that much more interesting and dynamic, once you get populations in them, so to speak.

Tava Baird: And so that's, that's going on right now and that's a lot of fun. 

Jennifer Taylor: Yeah. Yeah. And if you have not by some chance, read any of Tava Baird's books, I highly recommend it. They are my absolute favorite thing to do for myself. Like when I'm like, I am, I'm giving in every possible way I need to just do something that's just for me, I sit down and read one of her books and it's, and I am not a reader.

Jennifer Taylor: Like I'm really not. I, I kind of, I wish I was, was, but I'm just not. And except. For, and my daughter always says, except for Tava's books, you read her books all the time. And if I'm reading one, she's like, oh man, it's like now you're not going to do anything because you're just going to keep sitting here going, just, [00:04:00] just a few more pages.

Jennifer Taylor: So yeah, I can tell you if, if her writing can convert me to a reader of fiction, I'm telling you it, there's, there's definitely magic in that. 

Tava Baird: You are so sweet. just in case you guys do want to pick one up, there are characters that are based on real people that I know throughout the series. And so when you get to, so book one of the main series, book one's called Wildwood.

Tava Baird: you can get it on Amazon or through my website or from any of the markets that I'm at, that sort of thing, my Etsy shop. But, um, by 

Jennifer Taylor: the way, it's spelled with a Y. It's W Y. W, Y, 

Tava Baird: L, D, W, O, O, D. it's on Kindle and all that good stuff. When you get to book four, which is called Dark Flower, there is a character in there that is based on Jente and another character in there that is based on her husband, Keith.

Tava Baird: it's good fun,if you've been listening to the podcast to [00:05:00] see the fictionalized version of them. so there's a character named Willow in book four, that is, that is Jente. So, she makes an appearance in the series as well. 

Jennifer Taylor: That is so fun. It really it's like it's a really surreal thing to see yourself in in that realm But it's kind of makes sense too because I feel like when I read your books I live in that realm like not only when I'm reading it but then I know we talked to you about this all the time Keith and I always like when we're in her books like our whole life seems to sort of Reflect that and so then to actually be reading Myself in that world.

Jennifer Taylor: It's like, Oh, that's great. Cause that's where I'm living during this period of time. Anyway,

Jennifer Taylor: I know I've sent us off on a different direction already. So Tava and I have not discussed at all what we were going to discuss today. And I had all these different things coming to me in the last 24 or 48 hours was like, Oh, this is what we should talk about. Oh, this is what we [00:06:00] should talk about.

Jennifer Taylor: but something wasn't right. And so I sat down this morning. It was like, okay, Archangel Michael, I need guidance. I need you to just. Come through and show me and usually I do that with automatic writing. And so I sat down and was like, okay these are all the different things.

Jennifer Taylor: This is what I feel, you know guided to do and there was just nothing I'm like, why is nothing coming? Like you surely you have something to say about this and Then I was like, okay, what's going on? Then I thought, okay, I know, you know, Sam Isle is the word and you are more music, so how am I going to bring this through?

Jennifer Taylor: And I started having these feelings of, you know, it's like my, my voice and using my voice as an instrument and all these things, and that's. That's what I do. And I started feeling the excitement that Samuel and Michael get when we start talking about music and we start doing things. And so I started feeling that [00:07:00] more and more strongly and I had my eyes closed and then I was Taken into this vision.

Jennifer Taylor: It was like I could see myself getting up and doing the dances, which I usually do more for discernment, and I could see this whole thing of these golden monkeys climbing up a golden pole. And it was, it was the most interesting thing they were climbing, there was this golden pole and these monkeys were climbing up and they were like kind of head to tail.

Jennifer Taylor: And I knew somehow that I was the first golden monkey, but I was the same as all the rest of the monkeys. I just knew that one was the one that was me and we're climbing up and we would hit like this sort of ceiling level that was very thin and I would just move aside the opening. And the pole we would continue up through the pole and we would continue up higher and then I'd get to we get to another round like it and it felt like realms that were being sort of open and I would just sort of open the [00:08:00] little opening and we would keep going and it just went on and on and on.

Jennifer Taylor: And I had this strong sense that it was like. I need to share my story of my, of how I'm being called to use my voice and the movements that are coming and all of that and get Sam Ayal to kind of share more about that for people as well, because I had had this idea that, it was like, no, I should wait to talk about what's going on with me with this till later, till I've like, kind of figured it out, you know, further down the road, and I can then help to explain that to people later on, and what I knew I was being shown with the monkeys was like, Me, as that first monkey, I didn't go up through all the layers and stuff, figure it out, then come back down and bring the other monkeys.

Jennifer Taylor: It's like, nope, just let them follow along with you, [00:09:00] and we just sort of go on this journey together. So, it's like, okay, I feel like, I feel like maybe this is what we're, you know, what we're being called to talk about today. So, I can't wait to see what you were writing, because I could see you writing as I was talking.

Tava Baird: Well, it was, I'm sitting here first off as you're talking and you're talking about the monkeys. Samael is laughing. He's just sitting here laughing and laughing and laughing. And then I wrote down ritual and prophecy. And I'm very, I don't know what's coming next, but that, that popped up. And so I think there's going to be, uh, some discussion of your work.

Tava Baird: With regards to the concept of ritual and prophecy today. 

Jennifer Taylor: Oh, that's exciting. See, things are already, taking off. I was like, but I just kept, I kept feeling like, okay, [00:10:00] all right, this is what we need to do. And I have a sense and we'll just see where it goes, but I kind of have a sense of something that it may be.

Jennifer Taylor: That I may be being called to do as a part of this, so we'll, uh, yeah, we'll see what happens. I can't decide if I should share it with you now or see if it ends up happening. 

Tava Baird: I think this might be a good time for some invocation music here. All right. As before we dive into the Trail of the Golden Monkey.

Jennifer Taylor: Yeah, exactly. Yeah, and I know that one of the big ways that Michael contributes in this is through the sending of the song. So, uh, I look forward to seeing what's going to come through. I'll start switching all the mics. Me too! Okay.

Jennifer Taylor: Hi ya la, Hi ya ri hi, Hi [00:11:00] ya, Hii, Hii Hi ya, Hii, Hi hoo, hoo,[00:12:00] [00:13:00] 

Jennifer Taylor: hoo Ri, Ri, Ri, [00:14:00] Hoo 

Jennifer Taylor: Boy do I have something for you. 

Jennifer Taylor: Oh wow, I am so excited. Okay. You look like you've like been [00:15:00] through it. 

Tava Baird: I'm going through it on this end of the recording. Um, okay, so here is what we have that started coming through. basically the minute you got up to start singing. Um, so at the top I had written Ritual and Prophecy, the Trail of the Golden Monkey.

Tava Baird: This is what Samael said. And I would like to apologize before I read this. There is a particular goddess's name that I am I don't think I'm saying correctly. He says it with sort of an accent that I can't quite get. 

Tava Baird: one of these words is from Ghana and I hope I'm saying it correctly. So this is what he had to say while you were singing. Many lead before they are ready. Many who have been called [00:16:00] hesitate to lead.

Tava Baird: Let us think on these things and speak of what it means to be first. So in your vision, you were first, right? So here he goes. The first is the one who tests. Who checks, who sets the stage and sees if the new space is hospitable for those who follow. In your society, you have been cultured to think that first means higher.

Tava Baird: You make all things competition, but first means The one who serves those who follow. King never eats his meal first, in the event that his enemies have poisoned his wine. Instead, a loyal servant is first. In the East, there are guardians and gods of doors. The front [00:17:00] door. and the back. The first is the speaker to these gods asking for permission to enter, to enter so that the ways and paths may be expanded for others.

Tava Baird: Singer, this is and has always been your work, your calling. To open the door with Saraswati's blessing and craft place with your voice for those who come after you to stand.

Tava Baird: To dance a platform into the space where they can ground their feet. And this is the part I hope I'm saying correctly because he sings this name. He says, Lasacea, Lasacea, Lasacea. Let the sacred soil of song welcome the living and the dead, and press your tongue to earth to speak the truth. [00:18:00] I need to explain that last part.

Tava Baird: So he started saying, uh, c'est si bien a couple of nights ago. So I put it, put it together as much as I could and Googled it because, you know, that's what you need to do is Google your seraphim from time to time. And I didn't know because he's been known to say things in Arabic before and in Hebrew before.

Tava Baird: And I mean, he called me umshalah for weeks and I couldn't find what it meant and I had no idea. So I didn't know if this was actually a thing. Or a word in another language. And from what I understand, Asesiya is a goddess. From, I think, Donna in the Ivory Coast, who is both a goddess of death and creation.

Tava Baird: I have notes [00:19:00] on it somewhere, let me see if I can find, that's one of the things I was flipping back for because I looked it up the other night and he started saying her name again and the, there is a practice, uh, she's also a goddess of honesty and the truth and there is. Apparently an ancient practice where devotees of her will press either their tongue or their lip to soil.

Tava Baird: And it's supposed to make it so they can speak nothing but the truth. And as a tribute and an honor to her, because she is an earth mother who both brings forth life and is a sacred space for the ashes of those who have passed on. So yeah, 

Jennifer Taylor: wow, that's fascinating. So it makes me think. I should maybe [00:20:00] share the last part of that vision, because the last part, it seemed like it started getting, getting weird.

Jennifer Taylor: And I was like, I don't know, maybe I'm, something else is happening. So when us as all the monkeys got, we got to this part where there was a platform at the top of wherever, I mean like we had kind of gone through and up and all around, like through all, so all these different layers. And, The sun was just golden and super bright.

Jennifer Taylor: And when we got there, then all the monkeys that had been following like head to tail behind me, stacked on top of me, one after the other, up until they were like at the top and the, and just sort of soaked in all of the sun. And then it was almost like. They sort of melted back down, not in a, like, came apart kind of way, but just like, like, softened so much that their, their bodies all came down and were all [00:21:00] laying around, laying around me then just in these, like, totally out of it, just relaxed, they're soaking it all up.

Jennifer Taylor: And then. I think reformed again and stacked back up like that at least one more time and it was so interesting when you said something about me making a platform and I was like, that's so interesting. It's like I was. You know, the first monkey to go through, but then I created a, I guess, or the platform somehow, maybe I created it, but then all the monkeys stacked on top of me, it was like, they, you know, then it was like, okay, I'd created the foundation that they could build and, and go up, but I don't know what that the sun and them sort of almost like melty.

Jennifer Taylor: I don't, you know, I get to a point where I'm like, I don't know if I'm starting to make up some of this or not, but, yeah. It seemed like there was so much to that, and, and that vision, and what Samael was [00:22:00] saying, I was like, oh, alright, I'll go ahead and share the rest of it, because, uh, wow, that was fascinating.

Tava Baird: I have also never heard him say Saraswati's name before. 

Jennifer Taylor: Yeah, I was, I was really 

Tava Baird: mention other entities almost ever. Like he speak, he's spoken about Lilith, but that's kind of an obvious one. he has mentioned Michael, I have not ever heard like this. I hope I'm saying it right.

Tava Baird: A sassy yay, a sassy yah, I think it might be a sassy yay. I mean he was, he's been singing it, and I actually just thought he was, like, intoning, because he sings a lot these days, you know, I just thought he was like, a sassier, you know, like, just singing along, and then I've never heard him say Saraswati's name before.

Tava Baird: So this is But Saraswati, you've mentioned quite a bit before, so I'm wondering if he's bringing that in because he's talking about your work. 

Jennifer Taylor: Yeah, well, and I've never heard of Saraswati mentioned as [00:23:00] a, like, gatekeeper, because wasn't he saying, like, that she was, it was something about working with her and opening, to open the gates?

Jennifer Taylor: Was that right? 

Tava Baird: Doesn't Saraswati have to do with music as well? 

Jennifer Taylor: Yeah, she, she tends to be, or the way that I have related to her as this like goddess of like song and music and art and creativity. I think that's 

Tava Baird: how he's using it. I may have read it incorrectly. To open the door with Saraswati's blessing, Saraswati's blessing being the gift of voice you have been given, I believe, that you're singing people into these, you're singing, you're going into these realms and creating places for people to come and be grounded and connect to that.

Tava Baird: level and that area of the divine and that energy with the blessing of [00:24:00] Saraswati, which is your voice. 

Jennifer Taylor: Gotcha. That, that would make sense. It's like the, the blessing for, of Saraswati is the, are the blessings that I have received, the, the dance and the song and the. Art and the things like that is that's the way that I do that.

Jennifer Taylor: So, okay So it's like i'm opening it with those with her with the gift kind of like the gifts that i've been given from her to do that, which would be song and movement and potentially art and things like that. 

Tava Baird: And that each of these things that you're opening, these doors you're opening, he's speaking that, he says, in the East there are guardians and gods of doors.

Tava Baird: There are deities that guard doors that are split, like people do sacrifices to them and they have names and there are specific gods for the front door and the back door and [00:25:00] for doorways and gates.

Tava Baird: And which isn't something we really do here. So I think he's saying you are climbing this thing, you're at the front, but you are, and so you are a, basically a spiritual servant of those who come after, which makes sense as a healer. And you are using the blessing, that blessing of song to speak to the guardians of each of these gates and doorways.

Tava Baird: Open pathway, new pathways so that other people can reach. Higher. 

Jennifer Taylor: Yeah. And that concept of the gatekeepers is something that is in lots and lots of indigenous traditions and ancient wisdom teachings. Like when we do these accessing other levels of consciousness and through sound and healing the, um, through, I guess it used to be called the center of [00:26:00] light.

Jennifer Taylor: Now it's sun read. there's a lot of, there's a reaching places and the, yeah. And he talks about he being Zakiah, Blackburn is interfacing with the, the guardians of that space and he'll tell us, you know, you may encounter a guardian who will ask, Who are you and why are you here? And it's your opportunity to fully open who you are and show like, this is who I am, I'm coming from this pure place of desire to evolve and to grow and to learn and to share love and whatever it is, and that's your entrance.

Jennifer Taylor: That's how you would enter. But it's interesting because I had asked him, because he always talks about the process, how important it is to honor the gatekeepers and to do this process. And I asked him once, I don't seem to go through that process. When I am [00:27:00] in one of these things and he's leading us through all these different realms of consciousness and into the diamond realms and the pure realms and all these different things, I never encounter a gatekeeper.

Jennifer Taylor: I just am there. Yeah. and then I would, I would get there. I would just be like, okay, I'm, I'm here. And whatever the thing is would start happening. And then I would start freaking out that I'd messed something up because I'm like, wait a minute, do I need to go back, find a gatekeeper and be like, I am so sorry.

Jennifer Taylor: I just came in. I don't know how the door was open. I don't know. You know, it was like, it was open. I didn't realize you were here. And he was like, He was really kind of astounded and was like, no, like, if you're just there, you've been allowed through, there's, you didn't screw anything up, but I was thinking, the staff 

Tava Baird: access door, 

Jennifer Taylor: it was like, uh, but I was thinking it makes sense what he's saying, if that's my purpose, that's what I'm supposed to be doing is opening these things [00:28:00] to help other people come through then.

Jennifer Taylor: Yeah. It would make sense that that happens naturally, because I kept thinking, how am, how do I keep like, almost like sneaking in? I was like, I keep messing this up. Like, I know, I was like, I, I almost never see or encounter a gatekeeper where there's a conscious interaction, but I mean, clearly there's some sort of communication and there's some way, but it's not something that I'm aware of in the way that he kept describing it.

Jennifer Taylor: So that's, that's really fascinating. 

Tava Baird: Jennifer Taylor, trespasser in divine spaces. Somewhere out there, there's some angel traipsing along going, where is she now? Um, I have something else that I found really interesting that Samuel just said, and I was reading as you spoke. He said, the singer, she eats in visions, does she not?

Tava Baird: And you do, you eat all the time. Oh, yeah. [00:29:00] She is not only consuming and transforming, she is vowing the truth. The touching of your tongue and lip to whatever it is that you are eating in those visions is has to do with you vowing to speak the truth. 

Jennifer Taylor: Wow. 

Tava Baird: That's. You have it. If I remember a lot of Marcos, there have been Marcos where you have, you eat everything, guys.

Tava Baird: She is literally in, in like little places. She is like a human garbage disposal. She has eaten dirt. She has eaten entities. You, and then sometimes spit them back out. You have made divine hairballs of a lot of different things. 

Tava Baird: Trying to think of them. I mean, I know there have been a ton of them. 

Jennifer Taylor: Oh, it happens to me all the time and it started happening. So let me, I guess I will back up a little bit for people who have not heard a million Marcos [00:30:00] of me describing a session and being like, and I had to eat it. So when I am in, when I'm in a session or a, a process, a healing process for myself, I end up, it's like a shamanic journey.

Jennifer Taylor: If you've ever done a shamanic journey or a guided meditation if you've never done anything like a shamanic journey where your eyes are closed and you enter into this other state. And for a lot of people, they're, it's entirely their, um, clairvoyance kind of kicks in.

Jennifer Taylor: And, for a psychic, maybe they would see, clairvoyantly they would see these things. So I start out moving and singing. And through that, I start noticing what my hands are doing, what the motions are, and I start getting a feeling for what's happening, and then I start seeing what's, I often start getting a sense of seeing that I'm in this other sort [00:31:00] of realm, or there are these other things that have appeared, and I'm, maybe on my hands and knees and singing down through layers and layers of consciousness into the vast darkness, or I'm moving Plants around or I'm doing these various things.

Jennifer Taylor: So I start becoming aware of what's happening and often so I'm I'm what I'm doing is I or what I think I might be doing I should say is I'm moving energy and I'm I Feel as though I am inside the person I'm working for like I'm working from inside And I'm moving things around like I'm working either in a specific realm of their consciousness or their past or inside a, an illness or an issue and I'm maneuvering.

Jennifer Taylor: In whatever way I'm led, I am not deciding any of this, I'm just being moved by the divine guides [00:32:00] of the work. And as I'm doing that, I'll come upon something, and I realize this started happening, the eating of things started happening when I became aware of Sekhmet as a guide. And there's a lot of stuff that I found later about that Sekhmet transforms in her belly.

Jennifer Taylor: It's like she eats things and it transforms in her belly. And so it used to be that I would find something, I would come across something and I would think, Oh boy, this needs to get transformed. And it could look like anything. It may be entrails of something, it may be an animal, it may be an orb of a certain shape or color.

Jennifer Taylor: It may be some sort of symbolic object, but I would come across something and sometimes there's just to be this mass of dark energy and I would be like, oh, and I would call her in and ask her to transform it and she would eat it and it would be transformed and [00:33:00] the energy would be transmuted into a like loving healed energy.

Jennifer Taylor: Then there came a point where she started saying no. And I'm like, I don't want to eat it. I just identified this as something unhealed and festering like the source of this disease or this issue or whatever it is. I don't want to take it into my body. This doesn't feel safe.

Jennifer Taylor: And she would just be like, Just eat it. Just eat it. And finally I would go, all right. And so in that sort of dream state, that altered consciousness sort of field that I'm in, I would then go, okay, and I would take it in and I would eat it. And swallow it, and that would transform whatever it was, then I became the vessel.

Jennifer Taylor: And what she had shown me at the time was it was like she would step into me and my consuming it, she would assist with that transformation, but that I needed [00:34:00] to be the person doing the work now. And that has then continued without consciously calling her in. That has become this way that I am very often called to transform something and transmute it.

Jennifer Taylor: And, most of the time, I feel comfortable swallowing that or eating it. And then other times I'll just sit there going, I don't know, like, are we sure? And I always ask Archangel Michael, like, are you sure? is this definitely safe for me to take in?

Jennifer Taylor: And every time it's like, just eat it already. Just eat it! Sorry. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, so that is what she's talking about in that I am often, that I eat in my visions is, is what Samuel then is referring to as far as the Things that I'm regularly eating, but it is fascinating to me that has something to do with the ascecia, that [00:35:00] vowing truth, which kind of, it's starting to make some sense.

Jennifer Taylor: The concept of, again, almost a gatekeeper. when I think about what Zakiah talks about, it's this sense of truth and being completely, impeccable with your word, and that that is a big part, that truth is a major thing as far as gatekeeping, like getting through these gates.

Jennifer Taylor: that's really interesting. Yeah, it looks like you're getting more stuff, so I'm going to let you share. Oh, 

Tava Baird: now he's talking about hunger. A lot about hunger. a little bit of this, it appears at the end, is directed to me. So here we go. Hunger. What is the meaning of hunger? It is to sustain the human mortal body, yes, but non humans hunger too.

Tava Baird: It is a need to move energy, to transform, to gnaw off the surface meat and get to the honesty of the bone. Spiritual [00:36:00] peoples often deny themselves food to purify and prove their devotion. We feast to celebrate divine community. Gods and goddesses hunger for gifts. Loaves and fishes. The wine at the wedding.

Tava Baird: This is my body which I have given up for you. For those of you who aren't Catholic, that's a line from,the ceremony that directly is part of Holy Communion. Back to Samael here. We hunger for what else? Knowledge. A voracious physical hunger is often a need for more connection to the divine in your life.

Tava Baird: And then he says directly to me, it will aid your struggle, umshalah. I have, I battle with my relationship to food and have most of my life. And so, it's interesting that he's [00:37:00] pointing out that while, yes, hunger often means, man, my blood sugar is low and there's nothing in my belly and I need a sandwich.

Tava Baird: When you have trouble. Regulating it to be more, when it becomes more than that, when it is, when your hunger feels unbalanced, it is often a sign that what you are actually looking for is a deeper connection to the divine and you are feeling separated from that and from knowledge. And you know, it's true.

Tava Baird: I'm painting or writing or engaged in creating ritual. I forget to eat. forget a lot of thatand I'm in a state that often transcends hunger. But when I am in a place where I am tired and I haven't rested, what do I do? I want to go eat. [00:38:00] When I'm bored. I want to go eat, and it's not just hunger, it's a psychological need to bring something in and feel connected and alive, or to medicate myself against something.

Tava Baird: I think about all the number of times that I reward myself with, well if I finish up this hard thing, then I'm going to go eat a cookie. right? That's not, has nothing to do with hunger. That has to do with I'm feeling under strain, and I'm feeling isolated or alone in my efforts. And it's something I have to endure.

Tava Baird: And so that hunger that grows. out of that feeling of isolation from the divine I interpret as a physical hunger, but in fact it may be a spiritual hunger as well. So this is going to be very interesting for me to try to put into practice to be aware of that. 

Jennifer Taylor: [00:39:00] Something that occurred to me that I've been thinking about in this last week and I've really started putting together because I do realizewhen I start going for something and I feel that urge to eat something, it's often to fill a space.

Jennifer Taylor: Something is unsettled in me and I'm grasping for something to fill it. And Yeah, what it, and there's often times we talk about in Reiki, sending Reiki, and there's a specific Reiki symbol that we'll send to ourselves or send to our intention to, to eat that which was nourishing and to fill ourselves with what we need.

Jennifer Taylor: And often if you stop and give yourself Reiki, during that, for just a minute or two, the hunger and the intense, the feeling of it goes away. And I think it's so interesting. what is it that we get when we give ourselves Reiki, we are getting filled up with divine love, with divine light, with divine energy, and that then is [00:40:00] filling the space that we were trying to fill with food or alcohol or, whatever it is, the things that we try to fill those holes with in us.

Jennifer Taylor: But I think it's so interesting. I haven't had it put so specifically of the hunger for the divine and for connection with the divine and then in giving yourself Reiki in that moment, that hunger goes away because we just filled with directly with that. something that I was watching another, Oh, I can't think of his name.

Jennifer Taylor: He does this, Ron Gilbert, I think is his name, from the Vesica Institute, and he has a Gaia Channel, um, series about sacred geometry, and in the last one, he was talking about Sacred Geometry in Human Relationships, and one of the big things that he said that stuck with me is that we, it, how we operate and how we find balance has, and health has so much to do with what we associate pleasure with and what we [00:41:00] associate pain with.

Jennifer Taylor: so for me. When I eat, like cake is the most inflammatory thing that I can put in my body. I eat it and then I am really painful in my joints for days, but because I associate eating cake with pleasure, I eat the cake, and then I am given pain. You know what, the result of that is actually pain, but I associate cake with pleasure.

Jennifer Taylor: But exercise, which would bring me more ease and more pleasure overall, it would bring me more health and more alignment, I associate more with pain. And he was saying, if we can really look at what we associate with pain, and if I, and so this last week or two, because there have been a lot of birthdays in our house, so there's been a number of cakes, and I've started looking at cake and seeing pain.

Jennifer Taylor: And basically, I'm putting that, [00:42:00] that thing that normally would come later, but associating, and when I see the cake, I see the pain it would cause me. And then I've tried to add the pleasure to things that will actually bring me that not that I've associated because he was saying the biggest issue with whether someone can stop and, some of like addictions is that they view the addiction, the thing they're addicted to as a pleasure giving thing, having that cigarette, having the drink, having whatever it is, And they view pain as not having it, and if they can switch that, where they see, that pain association with having that cigarette, and the pain that it will cause, and pleasure as being free from it, and doing something else.

Jennifer Taylor: That's when they're able to shift. And I thought that was so fascinating. So this week I've really been focusing on do I associate with pleasure? And what do I [00:43:00] associate with pain? And is it truly what I, my association with it? And do I need to shift it? And it's made it so much easier. my dad had made a cake for Valentine's Day and it was so kind and so I had like a really thin little slice and it's been on the counter all week and I have not had a single other bite and that's really normally super, super hard for me, but when I look at that and I see my joint pain, I'm It sounded like I'm not as excited about it, so I just thought I would share that because it's something recent and seems to be very related to, uh, to what he was saying.

Tava Baird: That is fascinating, and I think you're absolutely right. we also build so much culture around things like food. Cake means celebration. It means something good happens. You have birthday cakes, you have wedding cakes, nobody ever gets death cake. cake is something good, right?

Tava Baird: And so I know I've been in situations where, Everybody wants you to eat the cake at the wedding [00:44:00] because, that means you're having a good time and it, and, but at the same point, you're like, I don't, I don't really want that. But there's so, it's so much more than flour, sugar, eggs, and butter.

Tava Baird: It's a symbol of of a wedding. And so I've had things where people send me home cake after birthdays and it just sits on my counter and I can't bring myself to throw it away because of the ceremonial and ritual meaning of cake. it's, the same thing is like I would have children give me loads of candy at holidays.

Tava Baird: it's Halloween, it's Christmas, it's, it's give your teacher candy, And the thing was, if I eat that sugar, I am going to feel horrid. But the just, I'm going to get rid of this or pass it on to someone else, it's, it was a gift, and it was a gift from a child. So, there's a ceremonial and ritual [00:45:00] meaning to that.

Tava Baird: I've been, working on designing this, Samhain ritual, that I'm going to be leading. Um. you know, right around Samhain. I was looking through a lot of gods and goddesses of liminal spaces and death and, rebirth and things and what their symbols are.

Tava Baird: The sheer number that are sugar is insane. there's honey being associated with. a ton of the Greek gods, Oh goodness. What is his name? Papa Legaba 

Tava Baird: if I remember correctly he knows all languages and he acts as a speaker to spirits and he's seen as a grandfatherly figure. People make offerings of candy and he's associated with candy. Think about how we celebrate,Samhain or Halloween now. It's all candy based.and in all of these cultures, you know, cause sugar was a valuable thing and now it's everywhere.

Tava Baird: So [00:46:00] we have a lot more difficulty setting that down,and also, you don't want to waste things. I remember at some one point, Somebody saying, we can't throw out that cake that would be wasting it. And I'm like, this is literally processed sugar. This is poison on a plate.

Tava Baird: we have to be able to look at what is it we're actually quote unquote wasting here. not all food is nourishment in our modern, very quick society. less and less of the food that we can just pick up out in public is actually nourishing. It's loaded with salt and sugar and preservatives.

Tava Baird: it's very different than the food that our ancestors had access to. So, yeah, I found that really interesting. 

Jennifer Taylor: Yeah. So I wanted to offer something as an, uh, a way of an ritual, interestingly, and way of. Not overindulging or not eating beyond doing [00:47:00] something that we're not comfortable with that we know it's not in our highest good and that of our body because we don't want to dishonor the food that's there or the gift or whatever it is.

Jennifer Taylor: Keith and I started, gosh, it was like years and years ago and I started saying, I don't want, I'm not going to dishonor this food by overeating it and then having my lasting impression of it being that I felt terrible. I felt terrible after eating it, or you go to a nice restaurant and they have this, it's just this amazing meal, but it's, at least an extra portion more than you can, comfortably eat and feel good.

Jennifer Taylor: But there would be this pressure of like, One, it costs however much money and I need to have eaten everything on it. And we came to this place of saying, I'm not going to dishonor this food by overeating it and then having it be something that is become something harmful or, unpleasant instead of [00:48:00] honoring how nice it was.

Jennifer Taylor: So that helped us to change the way. That we viewed what was on the plate, where we are honoring it by ensuring that our continued experience of it is positive. But then, when you have the cake, or the gift of the thing, that you know you really can't eat without, negative consequences to your body and your health.

Jennifer Taylor: You can have a little, ritual of honoring that. honoring that cake, honoring that pile of candy and all of the people and all of the resources and all of the parts of this planet that contributed to them being here and ask for blessings for all of those who helped it to be there and blessings on the person that, that gave them and ask that they be honored and received and then, you can place them in the trash can.

Jennifer Taylor: Or, if there's a place that you [00:49:00] feel like you can pass it on to where the people really would appreciate it or whatever, you can, but I feel like we can, stopping for a moment to really honor what is there, but we don't have to honor it by eating it, which is so funny. I just was hearing myself saying that.

Jennifer Taylor: And I was like, then the whole start of this was that I have to. eat all the things in these visions? It's all, the answer is always you have to eat that. But that this is a, an operative thing when you don't have, you can still honor it without eating it. 

Tava Baird: Our house, cause there's only two of us. a lot of times when you go to the grocery store, you buy the bag of carrots and it is.

Tava Baird: a bigger bag than you're going to eat in a time period, or we end up with the bread, some of the bread starting to turn before we can finish the loaf. And so a lot of the food, like we live on the mountains, so there's, tons of deer and things where I can take the end of a loaf of bread and put it [00:50:00] out for the birds, or I can take nuts that we're not going to eat and put them out for the squirrels, or toss the vegetables out and the raccoons and the possums are super, super happy with them.

Tava Baird: But something like, you know. Hey, I can't put chocolate cake up there. it'll kill whatever eats it. it always seems to be those, that sweetness that, that is always the challenge to deal with. other than that, it's like, a buffet up here for the wildlife. I had, these two lovely crows that, used to hang out up here and they would come out every day and I would give them treats, mostly hot dogs.

Tava Baird: They really, really dig hot dogs. And they would appear on my back fence at about the same time every day when I got home from school and start shrieking at me for their hot dogs. I would go out and take them a little bit and toss it to them. And so I had little crow buddies for a while.

Tava Baird: crows eat just about everything, so, um. Ideally, maybe 

Jennifer Taylor: give 

Tava Baird: them something 

Jennifer Taylor: uncooked 

Tava Baird: and 

Jennifer Taylor: raw and 

Tava Baird: healthy. They did love them. It was funny [00:51:00] because there was actually a stray dog we were trying to help capture, and originally the hot dogs had gone out to try to lure the dog into the yard so that we could get it assistance.

Tava Baird: And then the crows discovered that there were hot dogs coming out at every time of day in this yard. that was unfortunately how it sort of started. And when they don't get, when they didn't get their hot dogs, they were very, very loud. And one of the things that I found interesting that Samuel was talking about is he said that, non humans hunger too, and when you think about that hunger, like we always talk about Odin as being a hungry for knowledge, right, that he would roam the whole world trying to satisfy all that, that need for knowledge.

Tava Baird: there are so many things that we are hungry before, beyond physical hunger. And I think a lot of times we, we don't necessarily think about those in ourselves. What am I [00:52:00] actually hungry for? Is it connection? Am I lonely? Is it, am I hungry for rest? Am I hungry for a little peace and quiet, some peace of mind or, is it, 

Tava Baird: physical, I need some, some libations and something to eat. I always found it fascinating. I've had so many people tell me about like visions and dreams and things that they've had. You're the only person I've ever run into who eats in their visions like, like you do.

Tava Baird: I mean, it's just, wild. 

Jennifer Taylor: It really is. Go ahead. 

Tava Baird: the other thing that I thought was interesting here is he said that the need, to gnaw off the surface meat and get to the honesty of the bone.

Tava Baird: there's an energetic drive there to Reveal what's underneath that. I think a lot of us, spend a lot of our time in polite society, having to put on certain masks for [00:53:00] certain people or engage in certain behaviors to try to make everybody play nice and to have the workplace and society and everything move forward.

Tava Baird: But all of those things energetically deplete us. And so sometimes there's just an energetic hunger to be your unfiltered self, or to be honest. when we think of the number of times people go, How's your day? And we go, Oh, it's fine. And it's really not fine. there's a build up there over time of the need to be just self sufficient.

Tava Baird: honest about where you are energetically. And sometimes we don't do that until we get to the point where we're cracking, where we're so hungry that we crack. is that the golden monkey thing is, and I love you talking about themmelting down and then coming back up again.

Tava Baird: And all I can think about is that when they're in that sun and that gold is melting, [00:54:00] they're merging towards a oneness, like they were separate monkeys. And now, as they've reached dazzling, purifying, warming light level. merging them all back to flow as one and then they're flipping back around and becoming separate entities again that are reaching for that.

Tava Baird: And it just reminds me of, the cycle of birth and death.we come into these human bodies and we're reaching and reaching for the divine. You are reaching for the sun, for the warmth, for the glow. And then as our lives progress, we get hopefully a little bit wiser and a little bit higher and further down that path.

Tava Baird: And then when we pass on, we merge back. Into this oneness where we're connected to everything, we don't really see the boundaries between where we stop and [00:55:00] everyone else stops. And we, and then we're reborn again back into these separate structures. that are once again trying to remember what it felt like to be part of the whole as we reach for the sun again.

Tava Baird: there's so many cultures where the sun represents God, it represents the divine. And so that, that concept of, you are the platform that they are all standing on as they reach for that divine warmth. And then once they achieve it, they flow back into a stream of liquid gold unity for a time where they remember.

Tava Baird: And then they have to build back up again and start reaching. So I just, I think your,vision is absolutely incredible. 

Jennifer Taylor: that was really beautiful. I love what you just said there. As you started talking about that, I started dissociating like connecting [00:56:00] channel like song coming through.

Jennifer Taylor: So I'm thinking, I don't know, maybe we just go with it and see what happens. 

Tava Baird: That sounds good to me.

Tava Baird: we'll see what else happens. Here we go.

Jennifer Taylor: [00:57:00] [00:58:00] [00:59:00] [01:00:00] I'm in one of these vision like processes

Jennifer Taylor: and just pulled this big, tall, golden, pointy tower. out of the darkness. There's this tiny man all in red that I picked up from the bottom and put part of the way up. Who's climbing to the top? Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, [01:01:00] Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, [01:02:00] [01:03:00] [01:04:00] Uh

Jennifer Taylor: we have reached, I think, whole new levels here on the podcast, where we started off talking about historical things and practices, and now we are full on channeling all the time, it seems like. just one of us, but both of us. And it doesn't seem to stop, it's really, [01:05:00] I have some words to go with your song, Samael says, gather yourself to us, children of forgetting.

Tava Baird: Open your palms for the honey and ash, rain and earth, wine and water. We will clasp your hands in ours and sing praise. It is a grace, this hunger. It is a grace, this filling. Connects you to ground and skies above. We bid you to honor this form you have chosen and lift each other rejoicing towards the sun.

Tava Baird: You are a hallowed and venerated thing. Not only a record of days, but a prophecy of things to come.

Jennifer Taylor: Wow, that's really beautiful. I realized. Before this, I was talking to Archangel [01:06:00] Michael and I felt like part of what I was supposed to do is actually provide like an energy healing in the way that I do it in the song and movement and I feel like that was what and he was like, yes, I will be there.

Jennifer Taylor: Yes, this is what we do together. Of course, like this is what we do. And I felt that. Turn into that like that. That's what this was. And so I went ahead and just went with it. Cause normally I'm like, all right, I need to kind of wrap this up. But it was like, nope, we are like, this is what we came to do. . And I, I, I think he wanted to go into that with the first song, but I was thinking I really didn't give any.

Jennifer Taylor: So I don't know that we're ready to just sort of dive right into that. Um, but it was really interesting. And the reason that I'm sharing this is that part of my whole reason for sharing this and [01:07:00] the reason that I was being, that I felt I was being shown from Archangel Michael was that in sharing what it is that I do and how it is that I practice, it helps to kind of give permission to other people to follow and to lean into the guidance and the little thing that says, just do that, just do this.

Jennifer Taylor: so that it kind of gives you permission to go, okay, so that's a thing. So other people do this or I could do that and so that's really why I wanted to share Some of this process was so that other people could get a sense. If you've been experiencing this, it would give you that validation of like, Oh my gosh, other people are doing this too.

Jennifer Taylor: Other people are getting these things and if you've been feeling the call to start singing in the middle of a Reiki session or whatever your methods of healing are that it would illuminate new ways or give you permission to follow the ways that are [01:08:00] coming to you to see that it's You know, it doesn't have to follow the, the methodology that you've been taught.

Jennifer Taylor: It doesn't have to fit into that box the way that you've been shown. You know, it's, Reiki isn't just sitting with your hands facing, somebody or, laying your hands on them. It can want to come through you and song or, or dance or all of these different ways. so part of that during that, and I said, part of the, why I said, I was like, I'm pulling up this big thing, which you probably couldn't quite understand what I was saying because of the reverb, but that's part of what happens.

Jennifer Taylor: It was like, I was singing and moving and I was being shown to do this. And the next thing you know, I was on the floor, which seems to be happening a lot, doing a motion that I felt like was clearing away all of the actual floor and kind of going, digging down through. I don't know, lots and lots and lots of layers of darkness.

Jennifer Taylor: And [01:09:00] there was this spire, almost like the top of maybe like the Empire State Building or something like that. But it was much more, steeply done. And it was golden and I grabbed it and I pulled it up. And sat it there in front of me and this teeny weenie little like figurine, like little figure of a man wearing,all red was at the bottom walking up to it.

Jennifer Taylor: And I picked him up and I placed him part of the way up the tower. And then he just continued and climbed all the way to the top of the tower. And I had this strong inclination to sort of flick him off the top and I was like, I kept fighting that going, no, don't like it. And by flick him off, I mean, take the top of my hand and sort of knock him off of it.

Jennifer Taylor: And. I thought, Oh, that's terrible. I can't do that. But then I was like, no, for whatever reason, if I'm being shown to do this, I need to just do it. So I do that. And what it actually does is then send him way off in the [01:10:00] distance where he then connects with the next place. Which was like this other, like, staircase up in these clouds that he continued on and by kind of flicking him, it, it somehow connected the top of the tower to the base of those stairs.

Jennifer Taylor: And then, next thing I knew, all these others, a whole train of all these other tiny little red people, just people all dressed in red seeming like little plastic figures, were climbing up to the top, going along, and then going up into the clouds. And some higher realm in in the clouds. And then these blue people started coming up the other side and combine and then they would come up and they were sort of almost like entwining as they would go as they went around up into That cloud like thing and it then it was just a continual stream then of these little red people and these little blue people going up and into the clouds and then eventually was sort of [01:11:00] it was almost like the clouds kind of reached down and scooped the Whole thing up and took it So if you're interested, I don't know what anybody felt during all of that and, or what the symbol, symbolism is of that.

Jennifer Taylor: But if Samuel has anything to say about the, what the little red and little blue people were. 

Tava Baird: Well, it's interesting, like, and this, this isn't Samuel, this is me, this is two different ideas. But the red and blue intertwining, DNA. idea of that genetic ancestor, you get your DNA from your ancestors and there's that unbroken line of that red and blue intertwining that you always see when they illustrate it.

Tava Baird: And the other thing when you were talking about the, the sort of flicking him off and sending him out on a journey and it seemed like it was a bad and scary thing to do and then you're like, no, I'm going with it, reminds me of something that, when you work in a community trying to help provide comfort and healing, a lot of times people come to you and they [01:12:00] say, I want to be healed.

Tava Baird: Spiritual healers don't actually. Heal you, what they do is open pathways and provide access to doorways and gateways and techniques and, and allow energy to come through and find you. You are doing that healing yourself. If you don't want to be healed and you're not willing to put energy into it, ain't nothing a healer can do to fix that, right?

Tava Baird: You have to be. Buying into the process of your own healing and your own journey. And one guide or healer is not going to take you that entire path. They often are literally there to kind of knock you out of the place that you are stuck. And start you on your journey or flight to that next place where another guide may pick you up and [01:13:00] carry you from there.

Tava Baird: I have so many people who approach me once they, read the book of Samael and say, I want a guide of my own. Like how do I get one? And I don't really have an answer for that. I didn't expect him to show up. He just arrived,Samuel, I see him, I hear him.

Tava Baird: I mean, he is there as clear to me as any of you, but I have also often felt the presence of the Morrigan in my life, and she communicates in a different way. a lot of times people think they have to have just one guide. And if you listen to this podcast now, you've noticed that you can have an entire rugby team of guides around you and often they tap out for other guides coming in.

Tava Baird: in one podcast, we're talking about Saraswati and floating parts of the ritual of Holy Communion. it doesn't have to be, this is my one [01:14:00] tradition. your road to the divine is an ever evolving thing. And just like at, when you were growing up, you had different features at different times in your life.

Tava Baird: On your path to becoming who you are meant to be and to be becoming more fully realized by the day when those teachers arrive, when you need them, and when you are ready for them, and when you show that you're willing to put out that effort to communicate with them, one of the things I'm always kicking myself about is I'm like, Samuel, where the heck were you for the first five decades of my life?

Tava Baird: and he's like, I've been here the whole time, but I, I wasn't in a place where I could hear him. I wasn't there yet. And he has pointed out that he's been there in previous lives. I said, gosh, darn it. How long did it take me to get it?

Tava Baird: What if in the next time or next trip around, I'm [01:15:00] never ready to hear him and I miss out. on 80 years of Samael and he just says, then we go again,just like Jen was saying, when you feel these impulses or this direction, take advantage of it. I had somebody who wrote me the other day and she said, I thought I was talking to the Morrigan, but now I think it might have been Odin.

Tava Baird: And I wrote her back and said, how do you know it's not both? just because they're from different pantheons doesn't mean that you're not hearing divine energy manifesting as both of them. So you absolutely can do that. You do not need to regulate yourself. To a box, as Jen was saying. 

Jennifer Taylor: Yeah, absolutely.

Jennifer Taylor: I think Tava and I really have that same very common message of, just leaning into and trusting, also trusting what you feel, trusting your gut. That little thing that says, I [01:16:00] think this is Odin. I think this is, the Morrigan. I, I think this is Ganesha.

Jennifer Taylor: sometimes it's so difficult when you do have someone or you do know of someone who has such a clear seeing and understanding of their guide, like Tava does, where it's like he is physically in the room, and it's so clear that it can make it It's harder sometimes if you're comparing your experience of a guide coming and speaking to you I think so many people, and I definitely fall into that trap of going, I just want that.

Jennifer Taylor: I just want that. But then, there's a reason why we are wired to receive the messages the way that we are. there's a reason why Michael wouldn't wouldn't speak through words to me in that channeled writing session, it was like, no, you receive.

Jennifer Taylor: Through song and through movement and through these visions and that's the way you need to get it And I [01:17:00] think I get it in a in a completely different way and because I receive it that way That's the way that I transfer it into the world. So whatever way you get your Knowing just learning to hone that and trust that, because I know tava was saying it's like, I don't know what to say when somebody says, Hey, you know, I want that.

Jennifer Taylor: I want that guide. Yeah, definitely be open to that. My understanding is that it's usually a team effort. there may be one that is stepping forward most strongly to try to get your attention at that moment. But to just trust and know that it's it. None of us are here alone. None of us are sent down without guides, without a team of divine, and beings and angels to help us on this path.

Jennifer Taylor: So you 100 percent have them and they are there. It's just getting through our, Initial communication barriers of [01:18:00] figuring out how do they communicate with me and then figuring out who and for me, I really struggled with that for a long time and it's like there would just be this thought, this little fleeting thought of,I feel like Orion or Athena, like I had this bowl and I was like, there is some, there is a strong energy in this, This, ancient bowl that I have, and it was just Athena just popped into my head.

Jennifer Taylor: And so many times we try to talk ourselves out of it later, of that we made it up. Especially if it comes right away, like it just pops in. Go with that. Trust that. and pursue whatever it is. That whatever way it is that you, that things are coming to you, it may look like who knows what, it may look like the,the crazy looking stuff that I'm doing now, it may look totally unique and different to you, but I hope that, in sharing [01:19:00] the things that are happening and the things that are coming through that it is, Just kind of giving you permission to go, okay, yeah, I I can do whatever it is that's coming up for you in your practice.

Tava Baird: Jen actually had great advice to me when, Samuel first started showing up. I was, frantically writing things down that he said on the back of receipts and,Chinese takeout order menus and, 

Tava Baird: I would get things in the car and, he would just start talking regardless of what I was doing.

Tava Baird: she said, get a bunch of notebooks. And put them all over the house so that wherever, whenever he starts talking, you have something to grab. And I actually, a couple weeks ago, was, bemoaning the fact that he started talking to me while I was in a swimming pool. Like, I couldn't reach a notebook in a swimming pool and I'm water walking for half an hour and he's talking for the full half an hour.

Tava Baird: And I'm like, you know I can't write this down,but make these notes. I will tell you, I know a lot [01:20:00] of times it sounds like Samael just speaks and then I write it down and I repeat it and I understand 100 percent of what he's saying. That could not be further from the truth. He sings and chants and whispers things all the time, frequently in languages that I don't speak and I'm not even quite sure what language it is.

Tava Baird: I know there's some Arabic going on. I know there's a bunch of I've heard him speak something that sounds like Hebrew before, a lot of times he will just whisper or chant or sing a little something and I have no idea what it is. Um, but I will try to write down what I hear and then try to make some sense of it.

Tava Baird: And a lot of times what happens is a couple weeks later, I will realize, he was singing this name the other day. And so I Googled it. I'm just starting to dive into, I don't have any experience with African, deities. but this name was coming up, but he was [01:21:00] just singing it.

Tava Baird: And I write it all down because if it doesn't make sense now, it may make sense in the future. But a lot of times it seems like things come through from him that he's dipping my, Oh, in the pool. And then a couple weeks later, he's going to start talking about it. Yeah. 

Jennifer Taylor: And have a journal or a file on your computer that you can access through your phone so that it's wherever you are, chances are you're going to have your phone and you can quickly jot things down because, and keep notice too, of little synchronicities, things that people say to you that It's like, oh my gosh, I've had three people in the last three days tell me about this one book or this one person or mention this deity that I have never heard of before and all of a sudden I've had multiple people or I've heard it You know, I heard it mentioned on the radio, and then somebody mentioned it in conversation, and then I overheard somebody, in the restaurant [01:22:00] say that, those kinds of things are also ways that your guides speak to you.

Jennifer Taylor: So you know, when you notice things like that, write it down, just, write down those things, and a lot of the stuff, any little things that you get, just scroll it down really quickly, because it, you tend to think, I'm going to remember this. And oftentimes, it's gone just like a dream. Like, you wake up and you're like, I'm definitely going to remember this dream.

Jennifer Taylor: And by the time you finish breakfast, it's just totally gone. So, I, I definitely support, um, Tava in the write it down, write it down. And it's amazing how much you learn later by looking back. And then you can start seeing patterns of, I kept seeing, rabbits kept running out in front of my car all week long.

Jennifer Taylor: Or. You know, different kinds of things, it may be things from nature or words that keep popping out at you from billboards and things that you see, but it's really helpful to be able to look [01:23:00] back and you start getting a whole different level of information. There as well of like, oh my gosh, I'll look back sometimes and think, are you kidding me?

Jennifer Taylor: So I've been getting this message now for three years and at every time it has seemed like a new message It's like okay. This is important. So yeah 

Tava Baird: locations are a big thing, too Like it's really funny whenever Jen is on her way back from dropping off her daughter at school and gets rerouted across Mount weather Like Mount weather that which is near our house It's just every, there's so much going on on that mountain.

Tava Baird: And so whenever there's like a traffic issue and she's forced to go off the road and has to cross that mountain, you know something's coming through. you'll find these little pockets of energy where suddenly it seems like you can hear things better or, you'll notice unusual activity. One of my favorites last year I was at this market.

Tava Baird: It was the, Witches and Pagan Pride Market down in [01:24:00] Fredericksburg. And the market was supposed to end at5pm, and at like 4pm The entire market was just, it was dead. Everybody had gone home, was going home for dinner. And it was so dead that other vendors, after having a very busy day, were like, I'm going to go ahead and start cleaning up.

Tava Baird: The weirdest thing happened for that entire last hour. People kept coming in to the market, going straight to my booth, picking up the book of Samuel, coming over and talking to me, and then leaving without going to any other vendors. And I probably had four or five people who all came in saying, do you have anything on Lilith?

Tava Baird: I sold an entire stack. the books of Samael to these people, several of whom walked up to me afterwards and it turned out they had had experiences with him, too. My friend who was vending with me in the next booth, she said, she looked over about halfway through that hour and she said, what is [01:25:00] happening?

Tava Baird: In your booth, and I said, Look, these Lilith and Steele people are suddenly coming in. And she said, yeah, they're not going anywhere else. And I looked around, and like, all the other vendors were packed up. And I was still sitting here with this group of people All of whom were there to speak to me about Lilith or Samael, and then they left, and that was it, and they didn't go anywhere else, and she's like, that was one of the weirdest things I've seen happen, 

Tava Baird: There was something energetically going on around me at that time where all of these people who were operating on the same wavelength that I were all showed up, made contact, and left. You know, 

Jennifer Taylor: it was just really strange. I remember you describing that. It was like, whoa. 

Tava Baird: What is happening in this, you know, right here and I mean, my booth was enormous and loaded with other stuff.

Tava Baird: They were there for those two, to talk about those two. Yeah, look for these [01:26:00] unusual events or unusual pockets of activity.

Tava Baird: Or, notice that whenever you end up by this particular waterfall, or on this particular path in the woods, or in the company of this particular person, that the energy is moving differently. And those are all signs that you're on the right path. 

Jennifer Taylor: Yeah. Absolutely. And ways you can tap back in. It's like, okay, if I want to tap into that, it, I always seem to be in that area when this happens, then you can go consciously.

Jennifer Taylor: To that area and say, okay, what's going on and you can be a little bit more aware and make yourself available to your guides and say, okay, I'm setting this time aside. I'm in this space where it seems like something's going on and, kind of facilitate, create a space to have those conversations or have that interaction.

Jennifer Taylor: Wow, we definitely headed off in another direction all of a sudden. 

Tava Baird: We went from golden monkeys to [01:27:00] hunger to divine guides 

Jennifer Taylor: Yeah. Lots of just deliciousness and I'm guessing too, given that that turned into what felt to me like some kind of energy healing, I'm wondering 

Jennifer Taylor: maybe we could ask Samael, is it safe for us to leave it that way and not say, you know, you should listen to this part later? Because some, you know, a lot of those kinds of things go very deep and it would not be safe to be driving, but maybe this is different and we don't have to do that.

Tava Baird: would you mind singing a little bit for me while I ask him? Sure. It would be great. See I noticed that when Jen sings Sam and I get very chatty. 

Jennifer Taylor: Okay. 

Tava Baird: Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah. Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah. Ah, ah, ah, 

Jennifer Taylor: ah, ah, ah, ah. Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, [01:28:00] ah.[01:29:00] 

Tava Baird: Alright. So I have a response to your question, he said, it is well, it is illustration, Michael will protect and adjust. Do not worry singer will make them happy. So he seems to think it will be okay. And that if it's too much for someone that Michael will make a little bit of adjustment or defense so that it doesn't, uh, doesn't sway them off the road.

Jennifer Taylor: Fantastic. That is, very reassuring. Thank you so much for bringing that through. 

Tava Baird: Absolutely. He seems to think it's very important for that to be an illustration of how you work so that they can do, they can do the same. So it will be, it's an important illustration that shows them how to be, so.

Jennifer Taylor: Wonderful. Excellent. She says, leave, 

Tava Baird: leave it as a [01:30:00] lesson. 

Jennifer Taylor: Leave it as a lesson. Wonderful. Well, that was entirely, my intention of doing something like that in the session it's so much easier to just demonstrate and then describe it right after than it is to try to really describe what happens because it's a lot to 

Tava Baird: describe.

Tava Baird: for people who are listening, we are, it's a little bit of a process, but all of season one of Mystical Musings is now up on YouTube. Nice. Good job. All of season one is up, of course, now I am way behind in season two, but I'm getting there. so if you actually want to see, what Jen is doing, As soon as I get it up on YouTube, you'll actually be able to see her doing, uh, actually see her practice there, um, as she is bringing through her channeled song and movement, um, and communing with her guides.

Tava Baird: So, yeah, check [01:31:00] out our YouTube channel if you actually want to see this because this is, it was really neat for me to see too. I often have recently have seen you moving some. Today, you really were bringing it all through there in that moment and it was really, really cool to see. Um, so yeah, when this, I will make sure this, I will try to pick up the pace at how fast I'm getting these up on YouTube so you can actually watch and observe.

Jennifer Taylor: Thank you so much for putting all of that up there and, I feel it, yeah, it's interesting. I realized I was like, there were so many things that I felt like I was supposed to. Illustrate or talk about as far as the combination of movement with the sound and how Samuel has been saying, that the sound and the movement are an important thing as a way of sending energy.

Jennifer Taylor: So maybe that'll be something we'll have to bring up in another one. 

Tava Baird: I'm also wondering if it would be helpful and of course, here I am going to go volunteering you for something [01:32:00] I'm wondering though, people might be interested in seeing, like a bonus content of you going through an entire short experience where you are singing and dancing and setting the stage.

Tava Baird: 

maybe if there was a little explanation at the beginning about how you ground and, and get into the healing headspace. People who are starting their own practice might find that really fascinating to actually be able to see.

Tava Baird: Just that without it sort of being bookended by our conversation as well as a lesson. If you'd be open to doing something like that. 

Jennifer Taylor: Yeah, I would. I'll have to figure out the best way to set up something so that you can really see what's happening, and figure out how to put that together.

Jennifer Taylor: But yeah, I think that would be great because it's interesting that I think the one thing that didn't come in with this too was instruments all were oftentimes. the instruments will come in as well as other, [01:33:00] as like additional beings that are like extra practitioners in the room that will be just like a guide will come in and all of a sudden Ganesha will come in and be like dancing with me through something and clearing boundaries or, clearing obstacles.

Jennifer Taylor: All of a sudden an instrument, I'll be like, I have to pick up, you know, I have to do the chimes or have to play the flute or I have to do the gong or, something will come up as well that doesn't happen in all of the, the sessions, but oftentimes they volunteer themselves as well, which is an interesting thing when that happens.

Tava Baird: I know that the bonus content you made for the Angelic Healing Experience is really popular as a download. So I'm wondering if one where they can actually see, see the whole process might be good for people who are venturing down this path as well. 

Jennifer Taylor: Yeah. Yeah, absolutely.

Jennifer Taylor: I will, um, I will get to work on that. 

Tava Baird: Well, I, I guess that wraps us [01:34:00] up for another episode 

Jennifer Taylor: Yes, and thank you so much for joining us and bearing with us as things take unexpected twists and turns. I hope though that it feels like the fun adventure for you that it is for us. 

Tava Baird: as you go through your week until next week, may all of your healthy appetites be fulfilled.

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