Mystical Musings

Eating the Elements: The Power of Energetic Thought

Season 2 Episode 12

In this episode of Mystical Musings, the hosts embark on an exploratory journey discussing the power of thoughts and how they manifest into reality. They reflect on the concept of surrendering to the highest good versus holding tightly to intentions. The episode includes a guided meditation by the host, aiming to ground listeners and elevate their consciousness. This is followed by a profound discussion with Archangel Samael, who guides the hosts through understanding desires, cravings, and how energetic thought can replace physical needs. One host undertakes a mental exercise to mentally 'shop' at an imaginary market to uncover hidden emotional needs masked as physical wants. The episode concludes with reflections on the experience and the promise of further exploration on the elements and their significance in future episodes.

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Tava Baird: or

Jennifer Taylor: Willow Ridge Reiki and Healing Arts

Jennifer Taylor: [00:00:00] 

Tava Baird: 

Jennifer Taylor: Hello everyone, and welcome to another episode of Mystical Musings. Good morning, Jen. Yeah, go ahead. Good morning, Jentay. Good morning, Tama Baird. Well, you know, we've now gotten through the hardest part where we couldn't manage to introduce ourselves and say hello, so.

Jennifer Taylor: Now everything else can be just smooth sailing. 

Tava Baird: Absolutely. We, we started talking without actually, uh, remembering that people might be listening to us. Um, at least I did. Um, and I'm so excited for singing this morning. we play these things sometimes a couple weeks after we record them.

Tava Baird: And lately, like we haven't actually been on together in what, like two weeks or 

Jennifer Taylor: something. Yeah. It feels like an eternity. 

Tava Baird: Yeah, forever. And [00:01:00] so we're kind of giddy this morning, like we're podcasting again, even though you have noticed no interruption in service. because we're responsible podcasters.

Tava Baird: it has been a couple of weeks. And so, we have to get back into the groove of the order in which we do things. At least I do. 

Jennifer Taylor: Yeah. And managing to get the words out. We're going to do that. 

Tava Baird: so we think we have a topic today. You guys know how this goes. 

Jennifer Taylor: Yeah. So we'll see how that goes.

Jennifer Taylor: Where our intention, our thought is that this is. Going to be talking about the power of our thoughts and how thoughts turn into things and where they start from and holding compassion and surrendering to, the greater good and all those things. But as you well know by now, it's very hard to know where we're actually going to end up.

Tava Baird: As Jen said, our intention and thoughts are to talk about intention and thoughts, but we don't necessarily always make it to [00:02:00] our destination without bypassing a lot of other interesting things on the way. Kind of like we're walking through the metaphysical shopping mall sometimes, and we're really trying to get to JCPenney, but halfway through we're like, Oh, look, the food court.

Tava Baird: And 

Jennifer Taylor: then we're just there for the next couple hours. That's When it's actually,really interesting because, we're just talking about, thought and intention and the idea of surrendering will, and what we're thinking that we might be talking about is that concept of that it's better to surrender to what is in the highest good than to hold tightly to our intention and our thought of this is what's going to happen.

Jennifer Taylor: So it'll be really interesting if that's actually what we end up talking about. But if we don't, we've basically just had an episode that exemplified the surrendering to what is supposed to come through for the highest good, not this is our agenda and [00:03:00] this is what we're going to stick with because that's really one of our big points.

Jennifer Taylor: So it'll be interesting if the episode in itself makes that point for us. 

Tava Baird: Yes, so we are headed for the mystical JC Penney's, but if we end up in the mystical Cinnabon, it is going to prove that That was where we were meant to be all along. 

Jennifer Taylor: Exactly, and it'll be a very sweet and enjoyable time, so.

Tava Baird: Yes, right next to Auntie Anne's pretzels, and what else do they only have in malls now? 

Jennifer Taylor: Oh my goodness, there used to be a great American cookie company. It was like my greatest thing, that was what I always had for my birthday, and you had to walk through the mall, it was like that the parade through the mall to get your birthday cookie, and then carrying the birthday cookie for like half a mile to get back out.

Tava Baird: I remember when I was a teenager working in malls a lot, they had that Sbarro Cafe, which was all the Italian stuff, but it was always more [00:04:00] expensive than eating like Mexican pizza from Taco Bell. And soIf I was going to treat myself on my break, I was going to the Sbarro Italian Cafe. 

Jennifer Taylor: Nice, which really, I just think of Sbarro and like these gigantic pieces of pizza, like a big dental plate for like one piece of pizza.

Jennifer Taylor: Yes. And here we are now off on another topic. Oh man. So the one thing that came through just crystal clear as the word, not a command as a very clear, this is what I'm suggesting. You're asking me from Archangel Michael, you're asking me what is in the highest good for us to talk about.

Jennifer Taylor: And the one thing that was really clearly, brought through to me was that we need to start this episode with guidance in. That kind of grounding and opening and centering in the heart and coming into the space of compassion [00:05:00] together. That was just crystal clear. Which I was so grateful for because I don't often get things that are that crystal clear when it comes to preparing for a podcast.

Jennifer Taylor: So, we'll do that. And, Maybe then just flow right into song because it seems like that would be a good way and we promised, Samuel that I was going to sing so that, Tava doesn't get the, what, what did you call the eyebrows? 

Tava Baird: The eyebrows of doom. 

Jennifer Taylor: The expressive eyebrows, I think was what you were 

Tava Baird: saying.

Tava Baird: Expressive eyebrows of doom. So, for those of you listening, I think you know well by now that I hear Samuel, but I also frequently see him. And I get this, when I'm doing something I'm not supposed to do or something that he wishes would happen is not occurring. I don't get reprimanded.

Tava Baird: I just get this one raised eyebrow and the other one looks like it's not so happy.We [00:06:00] have been off for a couple of weeks, and as you know, Samaya loves to hear Jen sing, loves to hear that channeled music coming through. so I got on today to set up my microphone and everything, and he's going, there will be singing, yes.

Tava Baird: She will be singing, yes, like something along those lines, repeated. so we, we don't want the expressive eyebrows of Seraphim doomed to appear. 

Jennifer Taylor: Yes. So we, I will guide everyone into this place of compassion and then move into song and we'll see where we go from there. So. If you are not driving a vehicle or operating heavy machinery or cooking or doing something that requires your undivided attention, then I invite you to close your eyes and take a few deep breaths.[00:07:00] 

Jennifer Taylor: And I invite you to bring your awareness into the center of your chest, kind of behind your sternum. Right there in the center of your body, just in front of your spine,

Jennifer Taylor: and imagine it like stepping into an elevator that runs from high above the middle of the top of your head to down, straight down in front of your spine, down in front of your sacrum, down out through your perineum, and down into the earth. So we're going to do this. We're going to imagine taking our consciousness and stepping into that elevator in the center of our heart space.[00:08:00] 

Jennifer Taylor: And we're going to choose below the ground floor. We are going to go down into the earth. So you stepped into this elevator and we follow our awareness. Down through that central channel, down behind your belly button, down in front of your sacrum, down through your perineum, and down straight down into the earth.

Jennifer Taylor: And depending on where you're sitting, it may be We're standing, this may be going down through many layers of buildings, our home, foundations, and finding its way, continuing down that elevator shaft, down into the earth, into, through [00:09:00] layers of soil, and rock, and deep groundwater, or rock. Going down all the way into the center of the earth, where you can imagine there being an energetic crystal in the very center of the earth.

Jennifer Taylor: And our elevator has stopped now in the center of the earth. We're just going to feel the energy of what it feels like to be so grounded. So deeply connected with Mother Gaia.

Jennifer Taylor: And as we come back up in our elevator, we imagine that we're bringing with us this beautiful [00:10:00] cord of divine earth energy. So we're holding on to that cord and we're bringing it up with us. Up, back up that elevator shaft. Up and back into our bodies, up past our hearts, continuing up through our throats, the center of our head, up out of the top of your crown, and continuing up, and that this elevator is going up through maybe layers of roof or trees, up into the sky.

Jennifer Taylor: Up through many, many layers of consciousness, all the way to the original source of creation.

Jennifer Taylor: And we're going to stay there in the [00:11:00] elevator for a few moments, taking in the difference and vibration here, this complete oneness, access to All divine knowledge and wisdom and love. We're going to hold on to a cord from that as well that connects us to that energy and that source. As we bring our elevator back down, down through the top of our head.

Jennifer Taylor: Through our throat, through our chest, and we're going to land right in the center of our chest again. The center of our heart center. Our heart chakra. And we now still have that cord. This beautiful cord that connects us that we brought up from the center of the earth. [00:12:00] And this cord that we have brought down from the source of all creation.

Jennifer Taylor: And I like to imagine the earth chord as red and the chord from the source above us as being white. And as we open, the elevator doors open, we still have both of those together. And we allow them to kind of entwine. We step forward out of the elevator.

Jennifer Taylor: And we're right there at our sternum, just right at the very edge of our skin and our chest. And imagine throwing open these beautiful double doors and stepping out onto a balcony with a beautiful view.[00:13:00] 

Jennifer Taylor: We are now several inches out in front of our chest and our body of awareness. And this is the space of compassion. Just feel into the energy of this space. This is where compassion lives in our energy field. Compassion that holds for the highest good and the greatest well being of all things. That is filled with a love beyond love.

Jennifer Taylor: A love that knows you intimately and all of creation as its source.

Jennifer Taylor: It is [00:14:00] detached from any sort of need for anything to be any different than it is.

Jennifer Taylor: Just holding that space and allowing that energy of that space to grow and expand. We invite the angel of compassion to activate this space for all those listening.

Jennifer Taylor: Help it to become more palpable for us

Jennifer Taylor: and expand it so that it holds this entire space that we are inhabiting together, all held in the energy of compassion,

Jennifer Taylor: divine love.[00:15:00] 

Jennifer Taylor: And I invite you to sit in this space. And enjoy the sensation as I bring through a song. 

Jennifer Taylor: a [00:16:00] oo [00:17:00] a [00:18:00] at Jen? Yes? [00:19:00] I have two and a half pages. Alright. 

Tava Baird: Where is the, uh, Samael is talking about you as you sing and using it as a point to illustrate something. 

Jennifer Taylor: Oh, wow. And just 

Tava Baird: now when I put down my pen, he said, I am not finished. 

Jennifer Taylor: Oh. Okay. Well, you can go right ahead. I will patiently wait. 

Tava Baird: So this started shortly after you started the guided meditation.

Tava Baird: To help people grounded, centered, he just started talking and he started talking and continued to speak all the way through your song. And when your song ended, I put down the pen because honestly my hand is cramping and he said, I am not finished. So, um, 

Jennifer Taylor: So did you continue and get the rest of it, or is he still waiting?

Jennifer Taylor: No, I 

Tava Baird: have stopped right now,because I think there's a lot in these first [00:20:00] two and a half pages, that might direct our conversation, and he says, I will speak later. So I think he'll jump back in. Oh, okay. Because I was going 

Jennifer Taylor: to say, let's just stop and let him finish. because this is I don't want to be interrupting the seraphim.

Tava Baird: This is a lot,So, buckle in kids, here we go. I feel like I want to add questions to some of these for him to expand on. This is what we have. You may eat the elements, umshala, and it is all right to manipulate reality in order to heal yourself. So much of what is material may be replaced with its energetic counterpart.

Tava Baird: When you hunger, you may ask, Is it truly the needs of the body? Or of the soul. You have consumed enough with your eyes and ears and tongue and [00:21:00] nose and skin in this lifetime to recreate that energy yourself. To be its genesis. To be precise, you yourself are generating nothing. The energy is already there in the flow.

Tava Baird: Raft with it. Manipulate it into a new purpose, a new form, much as the artist moves paint from a bottle to canvas, or unspools the thread to weave it into cloth. During this time, you may feel you can control it, but at times the paint will drip, or the thread may tangle. Be open to these new paths that you perceive as flaws.

Tava Baird: They are doorways into possibility sent from the flow of the divine. [00:22:00] And when you have, quote unquote, finished your art, know that it is not finished for others will view it and add their own energy and perceptions may evoke longing or irritation or joy. Warmth or cooling sensation, desire or repulsion, and in the mixing of what you molded with the energy of others, your energetic creation becomes more fully a thing.

Tava Baird: There's a lot of air quotes in this, guys. Its own entity taking up more space and consciousness. Now, this is the part where you started singing and he started reacting to it. And how do we direct this flow? With thoughts are tools. Just as you use a hammer and a [00:23:00] nail, see her as she sings and moves the impulses, the divine thoughts being sent through mixed with the singer's energy and produce movement and tones.

Tava Baird: And those tones are now creating an entirely new space. But then what is that space? Mixes yet again with those who listen. Creates change, a reaction in the viewer and listener. To smile, or to weep, or to heal. And then that energy creates yet another space. for the listener to inhabit and perhaps share vibration and intention, vibration and intention, divine alchemy.

Tava Baird: This is the basis of what you [00:24:00] call magic.

Tava Baird: You 

Jennifer Taylor: see why I stopped. Wow. That's a lot. 

Tava Baird: Yes. 

Jennifer Taylor: I almost, I feel like I need to, hear it again to, start to even digest that. you read it again? Sure. I imagine there, it is, there's so much in that. It's like a, like spiritual textbook where it's like you read it and then you go, okay, what now?

Jennifer Taylor: Wait, what? I need to go back over. What? 

Tava Baird: All right. I almost feel like his tone changed. He starts off like this whole, you may eat the elements. We got to dive into what the heck that is. But here's what he says. You may eat the elements, umshala, and it is all right to manipulate reality in order to heal yourself. So much of what is material may be replaced with its energetic conterpart. Just now off to the [00:25:00] side, he said, I will give examples later. Yeah, 

Jennifer Taylor: I was going to say, there's like three different things to unpack there, maybe we should just take this bit by bit and work our way through the episode.

Tava Baird: That might work well.not to have the Seraphim hijack the episode, but I believe he's trying to speak to us about being able to utilize thoughtsas tools, but also telling us that the extent of what we think we can control with them is different fromhow they actually flow and move.

Jennifer Taylor: Yeah. Yeah. There's a lot. So the, I guess the first part of that is you can eat and drink the elements. 

Tava Baird: You may eat the elements, Umshala. You may eat the elements. And it is all right to manipulate reality in order to heal yourself. And I'm like, um, can you tell us how to do that, please? 

Jennifer Taylor: Yes, yes, please. if he could elaborate on how it is that we [00:26:00] can eat the elements and how we might manipulate those to heal ourselves and What we're talking about what that would look like, 

Tava Baird: right?

Tava Baird: So I'm gonna write down you may eat the elements and then I'm gonna ask him what he says. Here we go Let's see what I get. I'm so sorry to keep you waiting. Maybe you want to get a sandwich 

Jennifer Taylor: I've got some projects. I'll be back like procedures from now 

Tava Baird: For people listening, we're going to edit out all of this time that poor Jen has to sit there while I frantically write. Okay, here I 

Tava Baird: love it. It's just magical anticipation. Oh boy, he's getting into my personal health issues here. Okay, well, this is a good example. So here, I guess we're sharing that today. Oh boy. There'll be some catharsis today, I'll tell you. 

Jennifer Taylor: Oh boy, we appreciate your [00:27:00] sacrifice and your openness. 

Tava Baird: he didn't choose to do this when we weren't in the middle of a podcast because you listen better on the, he says I listen better when I'm talking to you. Okay, 

Jennifer Taylor: here we go. Okay, nothing like putting you on the spot. 

Tava Baird: All right. He started off, you may eat the elements, umshala. He says, I will speak specifically to elements later. He's That's helpful. he's talking about eating energy, in what he says here. he says the elements are energy. He says, you understand the power of the mind. Let us discuss hunger. Okay, so folks, everybody should know, if you don't at this point, that I am on my second weight loss drug. I have struggled with weight a good [00:28:00] portion of my life. I've been on literally a cycle of what should I eat, what should I drink, and then I get on the wagon, I fall off the wagon, and I, am trying to drink 80 ounces of water, and, I try to do all these things, and I can only sustain them for a short period of time.

Tava Baird: I go through crazy cravings about stuff. Right. Where I get this in my mind, like the other day I was like, I want pancakes and it will literally fit in my brain and it's an actual thing in my brain, like preventing me from thinking about other things and being able to flow because I am, temporarily crazy for pancakes.

Tava Baird: And one of the things that's lovely about some of these modern medicines that they now have, they're trying to help them. I'm in the pre diabetic range. So, you know, we're not talking like I'm just trying to take it to lose five pounds to look good at the red carpet gala on Friday. We're talking like health, [00:29:00] major health reasons here, right.

Tava Baird: one of the things that it does is it. So that's like food noise. It appears that some of us have a little thing in our brains that constantly chitter chatters. It's like a little monkey about food all the time. And I'm one of those people. And so these, revolutionary weight loss drugs that they have out now that everybody's trying to get their hands on, one of the things they do is help cut out that noise.

Tava Baird: It's great. It's like having someone scream in your ear for 30 years that suddenly stops screaming. Like whenever you see sugar, it's Fantastic. Like the first time I went to a grocery store after I had had one of these, I did not realize how much of my grocery shopping experience was just a voice in my head going.

Tava Baird: You could eat that. You could eat that. You could eat that the entire time. it's not just walking in and going, I need to pick up bread. I need to pick up eggs. These are tools that keep my body flowing. Instead, it [00:30:00] is like this desire for. Everything you walk past and it never shuts up, right? So one of the beautiful things about this is, I don't know how it does it, but it puts that back dramatically so that when you open a menu, you don't start to want to experience eating everything on the menu.

Tava Baird: instead you're able for the first time to go, what would actually be good for my body today? Drugs are not a hundred percent, and like you have to like constantly change the levels. And so this is one thing to understand is that there's a lot of us out there that have this constant, what doctors now call food noise.

Tava Baird: And they didn't really realize this was a thing until fairly recently. And it explains. A lot about why some people super struggle with weight their whole life is there is a part of our brains that just functions [00:31:00] differently regarding these things.back to what Sam Aiel says. So understand this is the prerequisite of what we're talking about here.

Tava Baird: You understand the power of the mind. Let us discuss hunger. You are saddened when you create and you crave comfort. I should also let you guys know that my dog passed away about a week and a half ago. And I started noticing that after that happened, I wanted, despite the weight loss drug, I wanted to put everything in my mouth.

Tava Baird: Everything was going in. Donuts, Burgers, whatever it was, whatever was sweet and felt good in my mouth, I wanted to eat it. We didn't necessarily, I wasn't hungry. I was hungry for something else. I was hungry for soothing and comfort during an emotional time. Okay. So this is what he's talking about. Let us discuss hunger.

Tava Baird: You are saddened and you crave comfort. Your habit is to soothe by [00:32:00] putting something in your mouth the way infants do. And when you think about little babies, what do we do? We put pacifiers in, we put bottles in. If when people, when you're getting breastfed by mama, like you're warm, you're safe, your belly is full, that's the sort of soothing that you're looking for, right?

Tava Baird: And so a lot of us have this self soothing habit as we get older where, this is going in my mouth. cigarettes are a similar thing, people who bite their nails, there's this, a lot of times this oral fixation and sometimes it can come from wanting to be soothed, wanting to feel like you're being nurtured and Good.

Tava Baird: And what Samuel is pointing out is sometimes your body's actually hungry. Sometimes what it really wants is to be held. So he says, your habit is to soothe by putting something in your mouth the way infants do. [00:33:00] Later, you cry because it was not in your highest good. It was not for yourself and that's exactly what happens.

Tava Baird: You eat three donuts and then later on I sit there and beat myself up because why don't I have more self control? Why did I have to eat three donuts? Why couldn't have I had brussels sprouts instead? Because it's that emotional, energetic need, right? Now he's offering a different path here. But your mind knows the experience of eating that particular pleasant poison, yes?

Tava Baird: Could you not languish in that memory instead and protect the body from the whims of emotion? Might it help you to heal? You perceive that the food is real. And that thoughts of it are not, but is it true? Can you not comfort [00:34:00] yourself in a better way with the memory? If you build whole worlds with your mind, Umshala, why not improve this one, the same?

Tava Baird: Way. Now he has a point here. I write 400 page extremely detailed fictional worlds, right? There is something. So, I don't know if anybody here has ever seen Taskmaster. It's a fantastic British show. it's jumped the pond. There's now a whole bunch of different versions. They have comedians on.

Tava Baird: I'm sure I've probably mentioned it before because my husband watches it nonstop. They have comedians on to perform silly tasks and they record them and then they give them points in studio for how they completed the task. When the people try to defend their ludicrous actions and it's hysterical, right?

Tava Baird: there's one that jumps [00:35:00] out to me. One of the silly tasks they gave this group of comedians and they each do the tasks individually. The guy who runs the show is named Alex, right? And their task was propose to Alex in the most memorable way. And that it was like, you have 20 minutes, your time starts now.

Tava Baird: Okay. And so then what you saw, they cut to the comedians sitting in studio with the judge who's called the taskmaster. And they played the footage of them having to do basically a silly proposal. And the first four comedians did was these outrageous things, right? When they showed the video of the fifth person,and she's very famous, her name is Victoria, and, they showed her reading the task, and she said, I can't do this, I can't do it. And Alex said, why can't you do it? It's just a silly. And she said, I'm already married. I can't do [00:36:00] it. the way her mind works was that she was in love with her husband. She was so married to him that she couldn't even pretend to propose. To someone else, even though it obviously was not a binding agreement, there was honestly no, emotional relationship between the two of them.

Tava Baird: it's a game show, like he isn't going to come back to her later and say, I expect emotional commitment from you. It's just a silly game of pretend. But the way that she perceived it was that even just saying the words, will you marry me in jest to another person created a situation where she was somehow emotionally cheating on her husband and she could not bring herself to [00:37:00] do that.

Tava Baird: So this is where we get into this idea of thoughts. Being very powerful things to a varying degree, right? We've seen a million improv shows or think about actors, right? Actors say, well, you marry me or pretend to kiss people or, pretend they're in love with people all the time. as viewers, the more convincing they are, the more we buy into the story.

Tava Baird: Like I have a ton of friends who were Outlander fans. Okay, right? Or think of all the people who were into Twilight, who would Utterly convinced themselves that Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson were in love and some of them created whole fan fictions and worlds and would post online that they had secret baby and all sorts of things because they were so invested in the idea that these two were together just created this entire, an actual Place an actual situation for [00:38:00] so many people like I said this you saw the same thing with outlander Where you see people get upset like sam hewitt who plays jamie fraser on that?

Tava Baird: You would see people on the internet Get very upset when that actor had a real girlfriend because he was somehow or another cheating on Claire, even though Jamie and Claire are characters in a novel and on the TV show, those actors did such a great job of bringing a brilliant story to life that there was kind of double fictional worlds on top of each other in which people wanted to reside.

Tava Baird: They wanted to believe that that love they were seeing. was real, right? We see this all the time with fandoms and things online. So Samuel is saying that these aren't silly thoughts, that [00:39:00] when we're putting forward this idea that we can create actual situations, actual worlds with our art in which people want to reside, why not use that same power?

Tava Baird: to heal ourselves. If I can dream up an entire fantasy realm and have people want to read my books because it's convincing, instead of eating three slices of cake when I'm sad, I know what cake smells like, what it looks like, what it tastes like. I have many memories of eating cake. Could I put myself in the headspace where I recognize that what I'm actually craving is comfort by putting something in my mouth that means celebration to me?

Tava Baird: We were talking about cake, I think it was the last podcast. Could I not perhaps sit [00:40:00] for a few moments and relive the experience of cake? Without physically putting the calories in my body and help to alleviate some of the craving that way, and then go seek out instead, something with actually gives me comfort and soothing.

Tava Baird: Because when I eat the cake in real life, I cry later on because I've eaten three pieces of cake, right? And I'm, I know that's not healthy and I'm on a sugar crash and I'm frustrated with myself. He's opening up this possibility and when he talks about taking in the elements, I'm starting to think if my fictional cake is air,Perhaps I can manipulate the way in which I, interact with the physical by the way that I view and utilize [00:41:00] the energy of these things in thought and memory. 

Jennifer Taylor: Wow. Yeah, that's a lot. But it's funny. one of the thingswe were considering talking about was that thoughts become things and thoughts are things and that they actually exist.

Jennifer Taylor: what more tangible, clear way of talking about that, then the idea of it being so real, you can eat it, like that you can, that your thoughts andyour memories and the knowledge that you have brought in. Cause I know he said something about how we've brought in enough through all of our senses that we know these things and therefore we can create with them and manipulate them.

Jennifer Taylor: That the idea that. It really brings home that kind of thought as things to where, what you create with your thoughts is substantive enough that you can feed yourself with it. not exclusively, I'm not saying don't eat actual food, [00:42:00] but especially in 

Tava Baird: this situation where what I'm really looking for, I'm looking for an energy.

Tava Baird: I'm looking for a soothing environment where somebody says it's okay to grieve. It's okay to process this. I am here with you. But the way I interpret that is let me get another slice of pizza. Because of something, that's one of the ways I was soothed as a kid is you, people pop the pacifier in your mouth when you, in the 1970s, 

Jennifer Taylor: and 

Tava Baird: didn't necessarily pick you up.

Tava Baird: It was the baby is crying, let's put in the pacifier. And so he's basically saying my pacifier has become food as an adult. Right? We all have sort of our own pacifiers, but that isn't the thing that's going to satisfy the root cause of the need, right? Is that it's, I don't necessarily really want to put [00:43:00] something in my mouth.

Tava Baird: What I'm looking for is soothing. And so to acknowledge that, you know, can I use for the good of my physical body. The energetic idea of the food I'm craving to help me take a pause like it's, and it's really funny because I'm sitting here now going, I would never let myself eat a whole pizza and I'm trying to sit here in this head space now and imagine, just imagine.

Tava Baird: Eating an entire pizza and I'm like, I can't do that. I'm just thinking about it, like it's not physically going into my body, but I'm having difficulty conceiving of it because somehow or another I think it's really going to happen. So he just said. So are thoughts things or not? Because if you think about it, I'm doing it two ways.

Tava Baird: I'm saying, Oh, the thought of cake isn't real cake, but I also won't let [00:44:00] myself think through the process of eating an entire cake. 

Jennifer Taylor: Well, there's definitely something to like, when you were saying, I can't do that. that, person was talking about in taskmaster of, I cannot do that because when she puts herself into, crafting the perfect proposal and thinking about that, when you really put yourself in that mindset and you dedicate and direct your energy for it, towards it in.

Jennifer Taylor: Any amount of time, especially for a concentrated amount of time, 30 minutes. That's a long time to put really concentrated energy on something. And. Collect more things. And I, I completely get why she couldn't do that. And I think it's so amazing that she recognized that I do not, not for the sake of laughs or the sake of the show or what am I expectations, but I do not want to put that kind of energy into a direction that I do not want to take.

Jennifer Taylor: And [00:45:00] I feel like on the same way, That's why pro athletes do this mental rehearsal where, and they've done all these studies where people made just as much progress. As people who actually practice the physical skill by mental rehearsal, like mentally rehearsing doing it exactly right.

Jennifer Taylor: if it were archery, it's like pulling back and lining everything up and seeing it go perfectly. And imagine in walking yourself through every aspect, They've attached things to people's bodies and seen that the muscles contract and the signals are sent to the exact muscles as they are mentally rehearsing, doing the thing.

Jennifer Taylor: It's like their body doesn't know the difference between mentally rehearsing it and physically doing it. They physically experienced that. And so it makes sense that, we don't want to spend a lot of time imagining what it would be like to eat that entire [00:46:00] pizza because we have now put so much energy, and, like, opened a doorway to that that you're like, no, I don't have that.

Jennifer Taylor: I have closed that there are certain things where it's I will not do that. And once you really spend that time focusing on and imagining it, you are creating that as an option, as a possibility and opening yourself to that in a way that you don't want to do if that's not something that you actually want to create, which is interesting because when he was talking about the cake and eating the cake, when you want,comfort, It was worrying me because I was thinking, doesn't that then help to solidify the connection between eating cake and comfort versus creating something energetically made of comfort, like in, like calling in the energy of comfort and seeing it form into something else.[00:47:00] 

Jennifer Taylor: That you could consume to where you're both mentally rehearsing and consciously taking it in but, creating the association with the thing that you actually need versus, I kept thinking, wouldn't that create almost like this,association of, still imagining eating cake.

Jennifer Taylor: I don't know, so I'm interested in, in what he would think. Yeah, 

Tava Baird: it's, he said a little something here, he said, You fear that thinking it will make it real, but can you teach yourself to manifest things to your benefit? Ask your guide to stay with you. Ask a friend, find the safeguard. There is more than one kind of thought.

Tava Baird: You will find in the end you do not want it as much. Anticipation is much of the [00:48:00] joy. And then he has challenged me to conduct an experiment. Okay, he says ask the singer if she will sing again. Absolutely. Okay, so here we go. We're going to pick something. I would never do.

Tava Baird: We're not talking murder. We're talking, eat a whole cake okay. I've got a good one. I was at a wonderful market this weekend. I was at Mer Magikon and it was full of fantastic things to buy, but you know, you always have a budget in your head,Now it is impossible for me at this point to go to Mer Magikon and shop.

Tava Baird: Because it ended, it's over, the vendors have gone home, I was one of them. Right? So I can't possibly go off the rails and open this up to be a, um, oh my god, I'm getting like nervous just thinking about it. [00:49:00] Okay, here's what we're gonna do. Jen, if you're up for it, I am going to let myself mentally spend as much money as I want in that market.

Tava Baird: During your song, And see what happens. Alright? If I can do this, uh, 'cause I walked through it multiple times. I met a lot of the other vendors. We had great conversations. I watched the whole thing be set up and torn down. I know exactly what's there and who carries what and what were the cute things that I wanted to buy.

Tava Baird: But of course, I would never let myself just take my credit card and go hog wild in this really cool little market. But I'm going to try it while you're singing. 

Jennifer Taylor: Okay. He seems 

Tava Baird: to say that my anticipation of walking through the market is much of the joy. And I'm going to ask, I am actually nervous about doing this.

Tava Baird: This is so [00:50:00] weird. Okay. 

Jennifer Taylor: Well, I'm actually nervous. I definitely trust that if he says this is the right thing to do, that it will. It will benefit you, and it will be in your highest good. 

Tava Baird: And I can't possibly go there and do it, right? I can't. It's not there anymore. It's not in this physical realm. If it was, I would still be at it.

Tava Baird: So, okay. I am going to try to give myself license to buy anything and as much as I want during your song as I walk through this market. Alright, and so I'm actually excited. I know exactly where I'm going first. 

Jennifer Taylor: Yeah, it sounds fun. I think you picked a good fun one because yeah, that sounds really good.

Jennifer Taylor: But I feel like 

Tava Baird: I'm going in with no guardrails and being unresponsible. But I mean, I am your guardrails. 

Jennifer Taylor: Okay. All right. Here we go. Okay. So song wise, normally I have I don't know. I feel [00:51:00] like I go into it differently. Is there any guidance as to my intention with the song or my kind of what to tap into for this?

Tava Baird: He says, possibility. Could you sing a song about possibility? 

Jennifer Taylor: Possibility. Thank you. That's very helpful because I was like, this is a very different sort of song than I'm used to. 

Tava Baird: We've never 

Jennifer Taylor: done anything like this 

Tava Baird: before. Oh, this is like metaphysical lab and I'm the rat. 

Jennifer Taylor: You are so generous. We, I thank you on behalf of everybody for you being willing to put yourself in this experiment.

Jennifer Taylor: And. Uh, demonstrate something that I'm sure will be really helpful for us. All right. I'm going to switch mics. 

Tava Baird: See, I've got myself a new page of my notebook in case I need to take notes. All right. Excellent. And 

Jennifer Taylor: I'm going to sing a song of possibility. 

Tava Baird: I am [00:52:00] walking towards aisle one of the magic con market.

Jennifer Taylor: [00:53:00] [00:54:00] [00:55:00] [00:56:00] [00:57:00] [00:58:00] Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Jennifer Taylor: Oh my god. Wow, did I learn a lot about myself? I highly encourage people to try 

Tava Baird: something like this. But you need to have somebody even though I knew there was no physical way I could do this, I was so nervous. at the beginning, but somehow I was really going to max out my credit card. And I was so nervous.

Tava Baird: So like I, I pictured, so they had us, so just so you guys know, this was an event called Mermagicon. It's the world's largest mermaid convention. It was in [00:59:00] Silver Spring, Maryland last weekend. And it's really wild. People come with these like full, like these tails that like make them eight feet tall and swim in them.

Tava Baird: it's wild and everybody's gotFantastic like wigs and eye makeup and jewelry they are dressed to the nines and there's photography sessions and group swims and all and half when the people aren't in the water they're walking around.

Tava Baird: the top of them still looks like a mermaid and the bottom of them is in sweatpants and they're carrying these giant tails and these special bags over their shoulders, right? So you're seeing like half a mermaid most days and it is the wildest thing and they're gorgeous. the place that this was held was this aquatic center that looked like a really fancy hotel.

Tava Baird: it had this massive pool that you could look down on from an observation deck and see 400 mermaids swimming together. if you have a child that loves mermaids, [01:00:00] this is the place to go. And then they had about 30 vendors and they put us in what was basically a gymnasium. The building was gorgeous and brand new and it looked like nobody had ever played basketball in this gymnasium ever.

Tava Baird: And so we had several aisles of vendors there and everybody there, it was handmade jewelry and beautiful imported clothes from Tibet and there were authors there and artists and people selling tiaras and you know just gorgeous. Beautiful handmade things. And as somebody who makes handmade things, I went in and, when I was walking up and down the aisles, I was saying, Oh my God, I wish I was a millionaire.

Tava Baird: I would buy everything. And of course, there's also that feeling of you want to support local artists and all of the gorgeous things they made. So here we go. So, Jen started singing and I pictured myself opening the door and walking up to the first [01:01:00] aisle. 

Tava Baird: And as I opened the door and I looked at the first booth, I got really nervous in my meditation here to the point where I said, Samael, you have to come with me. I was afraid of energetically spending too much money, which I'm not actually spending it.I just wanted the experience of what if I had that unlimited ability.

Tava Baird: And he said to me, you can teach yourself to recognize that you are dreaming. I've often run into these people who say they have dreams and they know they're dreaming in their dream. I have very rarely been able to do that, to be able to separate this is actually happening to my body in a physical realm from this is happening in a non physical place, right?

Tava Baird: And so he's pointing out to me that that's something that if I had the ability or had [01:02:00] trained myself to do that, that this would be easier. Then he said to me, what you want and what you do are not often in alignment, but perhaps you have not allowed yourself to see that they are, So here we are, we're in this gymnasium full of artists, and I'm walking along in what I was wearing on Sunday, which is jeans and this blue shirt.

Tava Baird: And next to me is Samael, big. tall seraphim,And he's kind of staying in the aisle. And the first booth I went up to, these people had done all of these cool things. They had artwork that had like really cool glass eyes in it and they had done all these dragons and they had this really beautiful Medusa print and y'all know me and Medusa, like she's my home girl, right?

Tava Baird: My first impulse is, Oh my God, I'm going to take home so much from this booth, right? [01:03:00] So I look at Samael and I'm like, can I really go? And he goes, yes, yes, go, go, He gave me permission to do it. So I walk over there with my wallet in my hand and I start looking at everything and I start realizing the more I'm looking at it that what I really want to do is buy people gifts.

Tava Baird: That there isn't actually anything in this booth that I want to take home for myself. Like I'm admiring the artistry and the colors are really beautiful, but in terms of actually physically taking it home, what I really am doing is my brain starting to think, Oh, so and so would like that. Oh, so and so would like that.

Tava Baird: I'm thinking about all my friends and. Sam Aiel came up behind me and he said, You crave because you need to go further [01:04:00] into finding yourself where you will not be buffeted by things, either real or imaginary, where you realize all Want is not an actual power and that kind of hit me hard because I think of want as Something I have to battle all the time.

Tava Baird: I want to eat that jelly doughnut. No, no, no, I have to overcome want. Oh my god, I really want this. Oh, no, no, no now I have to struggle with that, right? And he's taking the teeth out of want and telling me Want doesn't actually have power, keep going. So I look through the whole booth and I realize there's nothing I actually need to take with me to satisfy me, but I have lots of ideas of presents for people.

Tava Baird: Right? And now I'm starting to think about my friends. I'm starting to think about jentay's birthday is [01:05:00] coming up and I'm thinking about my friend Jennifer in Philadelphia who I haven't seen in a long time and I'm missing her. My brain is full of things I want to buy you guys and send them to you. And I realized that what I actually want so much in this market is not things for myself.

Tava Baird: But I want time with people that I love and I, God, I'm like tearing up and I have a fear when I don't see them or when I'm not getting to spend enough time with them that our connection will somehow be broken. And I realized that these gifts I'm wanting to buy, they are a replacement for the connection and time that I want to spend with them.

Tava Baird: I realized, Jen, I was missing you. I hadn't seen you in person in [01:06:00] a really long time, and I'd been so busy that I hadn't been really keeping, oh God, now you look like you're starting to tear up a little bit. I, um, I started to realize that I was excited to do the podcast and get to spend time with you.

Tava Baird: what I really wanted to do was spend time with Jen from Philadelphia and that, I was away for the weekend and I wanted to buy something for my husband because I wasn't going to see him that night. And so Samuel walked up behind me and he said, why do you want it? And I was like, Oh my God, I want the jelly donut because I want soothing.

Tava Baird: I want to go to the market and have unlimited spending to satisfy other needs with something physical. So, the first booth that had all the beautiful eye stuff and the jewelry in it, I ended up walking away from it without [01:07:00] purchasing anything, but feeling these pangs that I was missing people and that I wanted to text them or send them a picture or connect with them in some way.

Tava Baird: So then the next couple of booths were nice, but they weren't something that I was super attracted to. Then I got to, 

Tava Baird: this other booth. Awesome woman I met and she runs this business. I think it's called Trinket's Treasures and it's really funny. She gave me a, she says people always find too much in her booth and then they say, damn it, Trinket, because they buy more than they mean to.

Tava Baird: And she actually has stickers that say, damn it, Trinket. And she gave me one of those. But I first was attracted to her booth because she had all these rings. I am an aspirational ring wearer. I must own 50 rings. Do you see what's on my hands today? Not a single ring, not even my wedding ring, because the reality is when I crochet and I paint and everything, I always end up [01:08:00] taking them off.

Tava Baird: And then I spent so much time being. frantic about where I'd put my wedding ring, that my husband and I just eventually got tattoos on that finger instead, And I realized, so I looked at Samael and I said, I can go in here. And he said, whatever you like. So he gave me permission, I gave myself permission, I went in there, I was immediately drawn to the rings, and there was one ring there that I loved.

Tava Baird: And as I put the ring on my finger, he said, why do you want it, Mishablah? And I realized that The ring was big and kind of heavy and chunky and I'm a lot of times really attracted to men's jewelry rather than like the dainty stuff that a lot of times they make for women. Like I like big, chunky, um, like ID bracelets and leather cords with big pendants and like size 11, cause I also have really wide fingers, like [01:09:00] rings that look like they could leave a gash if you hit somebody.

Tava Baird: Like I like big stuff. But I don't own a ton of it and this ring was a man's ring with a compass on it. And like it had the north, south, east, and west, it had the four directions, and it spoke to me. And I slipped it onto my finger, but there were trays and trays and trays of beautiful rings. And I will tell you right now, in reality, I bought three rings from trinkets at Mermagicon.

Tava Baird: I did. And one of them was this ring, but in going back through the market right now, it was the only one that I picked up, although I was interested in. All of them and all the pendants she had, she had tongues of these really cool like pagan pendants with symbols that are really hard to find. When I realized her booth was not the rings and the clothes were about who I thought I might I always, I never know, like I can never find anything to wear.

Tava Baird: And I always shop at thrift stores and get rid of stuff because it's [01:10:00] constantly changing. I have this need to try on new clothes to see if it makes me into a new person. And she had all these beautiful sort of spiritual, magical clothes and all of these. big chunky pieces of jewelry that a lot of times I'm not brave enough to wear.

Tava Baird: And I realized her booth was actually about who I thought I might be. So I bought the ring with the compass on it that in real life I actually own now. Okay. But in real life, I also bought two other rings there and they weren't part of this. So I spent I think it was 22 in that booth. Then I moved on and there were two booths and in reality, I bought over 100 at this booth.

Tava Baird: In reality, when I was being good, it was, uh, two crochet artists. Now I crochet, right? Technically I could probably have figured out or made the things in their booth, but there was a [01:11:00] particular cute little frog they made called the anxiety frog. He was adorable and I didn't know how to make it. So in real life, when I was at this event, I bought multiples of these and I realized, I said to Samuel, I want to go buy the frogs again.

Tava Baird: He just nodded. But when I got to the booth this time, I realized they had skills I didn't have, but I wish I did. I didn't understand how to make that pattern. So I wanted to buy the thing because then somehow I might be able to figure it out. So, the craving for things in that booth was because there were skills that I didn't have but wish I did.

Tava Baird: And I ended up after looking at everything in there and realizing this, not buying anything. The other booths kept going on. I wanted to buy something as a memento, the need to remember this event, then realized I already [01:12:00] had the ring, so I already had my memento, so I moved on. I then ran into a vendor that I knew from other events who told me she wasn't having a big sales day and my immediate impulse was I wanted to help her and to please her.

Tava Baird: So I contemplated buying something from her booth, not because I wanted it, but to help her and to make her happy. And, but then I looked at Samuel and he said, why do you want it? And I thought, this isn't the, this isn't the actual person in front of me. I give myself permission to move on and to give her kind words instead.

Tava Baird: So I told her I hoped her day got better and her things were lovely, but I didn't feel obligated to spend when I now realize how much of my spending is that. You know, [01:13:00] a lot of times there were also lots of booths I never walked into because I thought those things aren't for me. There were people selling beautiful mermaid tails and beanie tops and I thought, I don't wear those things.

Tava Baird: I can't wear those things. Because of how I perceived myself and how they would look on me and because I worry about my weight and my age and all of these other things that are dumped on me. Now I'm thinking, maybe I should have spent time in those boots. I might have met an amazing vendor.

Tava Baird: I might have thought of things that were other possibilities for my future. I might have just gotten to get up and go and said screw it all, I'm putting on a bikini top and everybody else, you know, could just step back. There were booths that I just passed the artist by because of my immediate perception that wasn't made for me.[01:14:00] 

Tava Baird: There were also, and also there were booths full of things like there were stuff that was really like monster y and horror themed , and I didn't go in because I thought, aren't things I generally like. But now I'm starting to wonder if I had gone into those booths and thought about what sort of person might enjoy this, maybe it would have given me a different perspective.

Tava Baird: Maybe if I talked. to an artist that saw things, saw the world from a different way than I do when they make their art. It might have expanded my horizons, but instead I skipped them and I left the market with one 22 ring for the memory of the experience to look back on and to adorn myself. There was something about that ring that Felt right, felt like it belonged on me as I was in [01:15:00] that day.

Tava Baird: And I also realized as I walked through this market in my memory, I did not like the idea of having nothing to want. I didn't like the idea that I could just buy it all, that there would be nothing there that I look. forward to or saved up for or rewarded myself with. I didn't like that idea that there was that I could just take it all home.

Tava Baird: It was really strange and so I left. Unlimited spending capability, the 22 ring from Trinkets. 

Jennifer Taylor: Wow, that is, that is just fascinating. I love that, I love that Samuel went with you and prompted the, the learning in it. You know, it's like, why do you want this? And, you know, it's, [01:16:00] and it's okay to, to explore this and.

Tava Baird: Yeah. And he, at no point did he say you can't have that. It was yes, yes, yes, go, go, go, get what you need. so I came, I walked into this headspace thinking, oh my god, I'm gonna buy everything. Oh my god, I'm gonna be an out of control, crazy. That's how I perceive myself. I perceive that I, I want so much that I have no self control.

Tava Baird: Self control wasn't what I needed, it was insight. It was insight that an emotion was powering all of those needs to purchase and that when that, when the guardrails were taken off, I actually could have walked through there on my own. And in reality, I spent less than I did in real life if we, in that real market, I [01:17:00] spent it like probably, I probably spent.

Tava Baird: 300 this weekend in that market and what I really needed was 20 and then to call my friends up and say can we spend more time together and to sit down and give myself permission to think about who am I really and what do I want and what do I look like and to give myself permission to walk into spaces that I think are not for me because I just have decided that or people have told me that.

Tava Baird: And it completely took the teeth out of want. Now I'm going, Oh my God, I need to get Samuel to come with me into a Parisian bakery, like, you know, and see what I leave with. It was also terrifying to do it. I had, it had to be something that I knew I couldn't do in real life. So now I [01:18:00] wonder if I practice this.

Tava Baird: How would my life change and my perception of myself change? 

Jennifer Taylor: Yeah. it's interesting when I was playing and singing at one point I had this, thought and I don't usually, there's not usually much in the wayof thought. It's pretty much just, the flow of what's happening.

Jennifer Taylor: But I, had this thought of the idea of when something is forbidden. It makes you want it more, and that this idea of when it's like you're being so controlled or I, I had this image of like children who being like overcontrolled and that then don't necessarily have maybe the, ability to set those limits for themselves because things are so confined and they just want, they want that freedom.

Jennifer Taylor: They want to be able to do any of the things, but they haven't gotten to maybe exercise. Their own experience of doing it and then going, wow, well that I don't really want to eat that much because now I got a tummy ache and now [01:19:00] I'm going to remember that or whatever it was, it was this sense of taking, it's like taking off the restrictions and the limitations that we think are the reasons we're not doing this stuff or we think are the things that are limiting us or keeping it.

Jennifer Taylor: But once it's not a forbidden thing, You, you maybe don't want it as much or, it's not the, it takes some of that intensity and draw out of it. 

Jennifer Taylor: I'm going to do is I'll take the audio of the song that Samuel had requested with the intention of possibilities, and I'll put that into bonus content so that anyone who wants to go on their own private journey like you did. And kind of experiment with this will be able to have that audio if they would like to as you kind of the the background facilitator for it.

Tava Baird: So be on the lookout for the bonus material if you would like to use this to [01:20:00] conduct your own thought experiment journey. Okay. Samuel is saying something here. Just brief. He just said, you see, you can replace the physical with the energetic and finally truly understand what it is you need because I mean, I was almost in tears in that market thinking I miss my friends. Like, I wanted to buy presents because I needed to connect with someone who wasn't there.

Jennifer Taylor: Yeah, and the energetic replacement is the phone call, the scheduling to meet up and have time together, which is not something material. Yes. So, the replacing the material with the energetic. That's a really wonderful illustration of that point that he was making. 

Tava Baird: And so much, I think, [01:21:00] of our lives is driven by, yes, we all do have physical needs.

Tava Baird: Everybody, if you haven't been in the shower today, get in one if you can. make sure you're eating well. You need to sleep, like we all have physical needs, but I think we perceive so much of what is an energetic need as a physical need. Or so much of what is an emotional desire with a desire for things, I'm going to send a gift instead of being able to just talk to them and spend time.

Tava Baird: Our time is so limited and constrained that we are filling these voids. we're feeling the need we have for other people or the need we have for discovery or the need we have for learning. And once I realized walking through this market that I could go home and learn to make the things that I wanted to make or call the person on the phone or spend time.[01:22:00] 

Tava Baird: Really thinking about how do I want to present myself to the world? Do my clothes actually feel good on my body? Or are they just something I stick on because it was the fastest thing to do as I continued my existence? I'm now starting to think about the things that I own in a whole new way.

Tava Baird: I'm looking at them and saying what energetic need did this fill? Was I stressed? Was I hungry? Was I lonely? Was I fatigued? Did they actually satisfy the need? And I literally replaced, I mean, that thought, that journey was a real journey in my head. It has altered my perception. 

Jennifer Taylor: That's fantastic. It's so funny.

Jennifer Taylor: I was thinking, well, we've made it through almost the first line or two. Oh my God. I didn't realize that. But I love it though. this could [01:23:00] be, food for so many episodes of, working through these things because, there is so much wisdom and so much to learn. In every word in that. 

Jennifer Taylor: He just said, 

Tava Baird: in speaking of the elements, air is thought. Fire is change. Water is art. Earth is space. It's our needs and tools. Oh no, now I feel like there's going to be a whole thing on each of these. 

Jennifer Taylor: So boy was Tava right about that. So not only did that become its whole other thing, but that actually became multiple other episodes because, Samael really delved into each one of the elements and explaining it and giving us Examples and different songs and [01:24:00] experiences came through. So rather than keeping you for the five hours it took us to record this, we decided to divide this up into additional episodes.

Jennifer Taylor: we didn't want to leave you without a song or some sort of ending or closing to this one. So, we've added the closing song that actually happened at the very end of this, what turned out to be a five hour conversation. we hope that you really enjoy it. It brought us a lot of peace and really brought us into a nice, resonant place.

Jennifer Taylor: And, so we very much hope that you join us for the continuation of this conversation next week and enjoy this peaceful, integrating song. Have a beautiful week filled with blessings.[01:25:00] [01:26:00] [01:27:00] [01:28:00]         

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